=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 08-13-24 (33 19) Number: 328 From: MOUNTAIN MAMA #11 @5211*2 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: YES Subj: Re: Vegan Chili II Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v7.07 Title: Tempeh Chili Categories: Chili, Vegetarian Servings: 4 8 oz Tempeh 2 tb Soy-sauce, tamari 2 tb Water 1/4 ts Garlic powder 1/4 ts Onion powder 1 tb Soy or sesame oil 6 tb Olive oil 1/2 ts Oregano 1 ts Mustard powder, (or seed) 1 ts Cumin 1 tb Chili powder 1 Green pepper; chopped 1 Onion; chopped 1 ts Salt 1/4 ts Black pepper 2 tb Soy sauce, tamari 1 Tomato, fresh; chopped 28 oz Canned Tomatoes, peeled -and chopped + juice 15 oz Canned Kidney beans -plus juice & water to make - 1 cup liquid Marinate tempeh with next 5 ingredients for one hour (turning after 30 minutes) Grate tempeh and set aside with marinade. Heat next 5 ingredients in a large saucepan. Add green pepper, onion and tempeh (with marinade) and saute. Combine all ingredients, bring to boil and simmer 30 minutes. Serve hot and top with grated cheddar cheese. TEMPEH (TEM-pay) is an Indonsian cholesterol-free staple. It is made from tender cooked, cultured organic soybeans. Tempeh can be fried, broiled, baked or steamed. Use Tempeh in your favorite recipes as a meat substitute or serve on pizza, on sandwiches, or in sauces. Makes a great addition to any salad. MMMMM ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 * WOMR-QWK v0.90 The Outlaw BBS * 502-358-3087 * WWIVNet @5211 * ASV