=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 11-18-93 (18:57) Number: 242 From: SANTA #25 @1207000*1 Refer#: NONE To: LILAC #2 @1907001*1 Recvd: NO Subj: Cokking A turkey Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Re: ThanksGiving > 1. Does the plastic cooking bag work well? > 3. Cooking the Turkey right side up VS. Upside down... and should you do > this in a plastic cooking bag? > . The name of this message should be COOKING, not COKKING. I have some gravy in the keyboard. 1. Cooking a turkey in a plastic bag has never appealed to me. I did it once and found it hard to handle, with no noticible improvÿement in juiciness. We are lucky enough to live near a turkey farm, and the biggest difference in turkeys is fresh vs. frozen in my opinion. I will never buy a frozen bird again. Some turkeys advertised as fresh can legally be frozen for several months, so look for one that is "Farm Fresh," which has NEVER been frozen. It's worth looking around for a farm. Call the county extension service for help. 2. A lot of my friends like to cook their birds upside down, but I find that ruins the appearance of the bird. It is just as tender & juicy of you baste it every half hour or hour. As far as time per pound, any cookbook will tell you... but you have to keep checking it because I've known time formulas to be off by as much as an hour, depending on the bird. Good luck, & happy T-Day! º ÉÍ»ÉÍÍÉ» É Ë ÉÍ»ÉÍ»ÉÍ»ÉÍ» Ú@1207000ÄVNetÄAC-207Ä778Ä6977¿ º Ì͹º »ºÈ»º º Ì͹ÌͼÌͼÌÍ Ã@1207000ÄRPGNetÄÄÄ@1ÄBayouNet´ Èͼ¼ ÈÈͼ¼ ȼ Ê ¼ ȼ ¼ Èͼ À@207ÄMagNetÄACÄFarmington,Me.Ù Via: 1207000*1 1508000*1 2*1 1616001*1 6160*1 1614017*1