=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 01-24-94 (10:13) Number: 399 From: GHOSTY #191 @1806102*1 Refer#: NONE To: CORKY #6 @1509005*1 Recvd: NO Subj: hee hee Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- C#@>Re: Brisket C#@>> How do you make Beef Brisket? C#@> One does not make beef brisket for it is a cut of meat from the sternum C#@>area on a beef. The usual human preparation of the brisket is to convert it C#@>into corned beef. I take a brisket cut and put it in a roasting pan with lid and roast it on a low temp. until tender, trim fat and slice across the grain. Then I pour BBQ sauce over the slices and bake for another hour on low heat. Ummm, Ummm, Good. * OLX 2.1 TD * I'm not over-weight, just under-height. VQWK 6.20 [Rev G - 12/25] ³The Recompression Chamber³806-637-8113³Running VBBS 6.12³VNET @ 1806102³ ³2.5 Gigabyte CD-ROM Area³19.2 V.32bis³Brownfield, Texas³ Networks ³ ³VGA Planets On-Line Game³ ZyXîL ³ZIP: 79316-5567³FidoNET - Maybe ³