=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 01-18-00 (44 19) Number: 398 From: JODY #31 @2620*2 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: lOW FAT WHIP CREAM Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0R: net33: @6460 (via @1040) [04:50 01/20/94] 0R: net33: @1040 (via @1050) [03:17 01/20/94] 0R: net33: @2620 [18:05 01/18/94] lOW FAT WHIP CREAM./.... 2 CUPS VERY COLD SKIM MILK 1/4 CUP SUGAR 2 CAP FULLS(TSP) VANILLA You need an immersable blender set blender in a cup of ice water for a few minutes and skim milk in freezer for 5 minutes add all ingredients and blend milk will become thick and to a peak , eat right away low fat, low cholesteral no sodium from jody *Enclosed file: