Battle Raft - by Derrick Renaud This is the game of Battle Raft.You and your opponent (played by your very own computer) both own a fleet of Battle Rafts.Each of you have staked out half the ocean as your own territory. But, being the power hungry sort, you each want to claim the others territory. This can only be done by sinking all of your opponent's rafts. Each of you have an unlimited supply of long range rocks. Which you take turns throwing at each other. If you hit a raft, you will put a hole in it. But wooden rafts are sturdy vessels and will not sink until you punch holes all along it's length. This file consist of: README.TXT - This file BATTLE__.000 - The help file -> copy to GEOS20\USERDATA\HELP\ BATTLE.GEO - The program file -> copy to GEOS20\WORLD\