Welcome to ASG the Excellence In Graphics. The graphic images on this disk are for use on IBM and Compatible computers, also requires a VGA card. Files are in PCX Format, a good vga viewer program or paint program should be used to view these files. I have tried to keep this as simple as possible so new users will be able to use these graphics. Some of the graphics are in an aged color tone, these graphics can be converted to other formats as long as you have a conversion program. The images on this disk can be used and changed in any manner. Also on the disk are several order forms that can be printed on your printer by using the copy command ie COPY ORDER*.DOC PRN (return). Listed on the order doc are various subject titles and volume number along with the price and other info. Feel free to upload to BBS. HAVE FUN (Filename)*.exe is a self extracting file, it is recommended that you copy this file to your hard disk before extracting the file. SPECIAL NOTE ALL GRAPHIC IMAGES ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT COPYRIGHT LAWS, ie WORKS PUBLISHED MORE THAN 75 YEARS AGP. THE COPYRIGHT ACT IS LOCATED IN TITLE 17 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE.