Bitmap files in this directory are the sample brush masks which can be assigned to the BrushMask property of the VBX Artist. All of them are black & white bitmaps with sizes up to 32x32 pixels. Test the brushes in the FineDraw sample program by loading them via the "BrushShapes"/"[Load]" button in the "Select Brush Type" dialog box. The following brush mask were produced from the VBX Artist's cursors for different painting modes. They were used while creating the help files to depict the "mouse footprints": CIRCLE.BMP CUTTERS.BMP ERASER.BMP FCIRCLE.BMP FLOODFIL.BMP FRECT.BMP FRRECT.BMP IFCSR.BMP LINE.BMP PENCIL.BMP RECT.BMP RRECT.BMP TEXT.BMP The following bitmaps contain footprints of the pair of very dirty boots. The number after STEP... stands for the step direction (in degrees): STEP000.BMP STEP045.BMP STEP090.BMP STEP135.BMP STEP180.BMP STEP225.BMP STEP270.BMP STEP315.BMP And this is just a heart... HEART.BMP