SB DX @ ARL $ARLD014 ARLD014 DX news QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 14 ARLD014 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT March 10, 1994 To all radio amateurs The items in this week's bulletin are courtesy of Rolf, DL7VEE, the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin, the Yankee Clipper Contest Club PacketCluster network and Contest Corral in QST. Thanks. PRATAS ISLAND. The latest news is that the planned DXpedition for this month has been scrubbed. LACCADIVE ISLANDS. VU7LI continues both his geological surveys and QRP operation for a few more weeks. KERGUELEN ISLAND. Listen for Pierre, FT5XJ, on 14188 kHz around 0330 and 1600z. NEPAL. Equipment donations by DJ6SI and DJ6JC, with the help of EUDXF, DL9WVM and WB6ZUC, have put Satis, 9N1AA, and Surish, 9N1HA, on the air. QSL via PO Box 4292, Kathmandu, Nepal. TONGA. Bob, W7TSQ, is island hopping as A35SQ around the main island of Tonga, much to the delight of IOTA chasers. He should be active until March 15. QSL via W7TSQ. NORTHERN COOK ISLANDS. Amy, ZK1AT, has been on 3787 kHz at 0630z, 7205 kHz around 0715 and 0900, 14195 kHz at 0430z, 18150 at 2200, and 24950 at 2315. QSL via WB6EQX. FERNANDO DE NORONHA ISLAND. Peter, PY5CC, is QRV as PY0FM until April 1. He prefers SSB, 160 and 6 meters, but also operates some CW and satellites. QSL his home call. FRANZ JOSEF LAND. 4K2MAL has been quite active lately. Check 10104 kHz at 2230z and 0400z, 18072 kHz at 1645z, 14182 kHz at 1415z, and 7004 kHz around 0245z. GUYANA. Larry, 8R1/N4VA, should be active for another week. His on the air times are fluid, so listen to the 20 and 15 meter IOTA frequencies, 14260 and 21260 kHz, for details. NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. JA1CMD will sign KH0/JA1CMD from March 27 to April 1, mainly on 80 and 40 meter CW. QSL to CBA. COCOS ISLAND. Members of the OKDXA are planning a big TJI9 DXpedition for May. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. Both the Kentucky and Wisconsin QSO Parties are this weekend. The Kentucky event, sponsored by the Paducah ARA, is from 1500z March 12 to 0300z March 13, and 1500z to 2400z March 13, both phone and CW. The Wisconsin Party is sponsored by the West Allis RAC and runs from 1800z March 18 to 0100z March 14, both CW and phone. The exchange for both events is signal report, state, province or country. Kentucky and Wisconsin stations will send signal report and county for their exchange. Full details/rules appear on page 111 of February QST. NNNN /EX