BARTG * GB2ATG * NEWS * BARTG * NEWS * GB2ATG * BARTG This is the - British Amateur Radio Teledata Group - News Broadcast Service for all Amateurs and Short Wave Listeners interested in RTTY Amtor, Pactor and Packet Radio. This news is broadcast during the first full week commencing Monday each month, to the following schedule.. Evening transmissions at 1930 GMT. on 3.584 MHz. Mark. +/- for QRM. RTTY on Monday-AFSK, Wednesday-AFSK and Friday-FSK Pactor-FEC on Tuesday. Amtor-FEC on Thursday and Saturday. Morning transmission at 1000 GMT. on 7.041 MHz. Mark. +/- for QRM. RTTY on Sunday-AFSK. An edited version of this bulletin is available on the Packet network as a BARTG at GBR. file thanks to: Andy (G3ZYP) at GB7MXM.#36.GBR.EU. It is also posted on the "INTERNET" system via the INFO-HAMS list on UCSD.EDU. thanks to Iain (G6ARO) who is available on the "JANET" network as Iain@HUMBER.AC.UK News for April 1994. Bulletin No. 016. (all times are GMT). BARTG Information. British summer time started on Sunday March 27th but remember the BARTG VHF RTTY contest starts at 1000 GMT on Sunday 10th April. Eleven o'clock wrist watch time. RTTY DX Activity. 3.5 MHz. OH0/SK4BX 0300, K1IU 0400, ES7FU 0600, GI4SRQ 1830, EI3GZ 2030, 9H1EL and UZ9CWA 2100, RA2FB, OM3CPS and UN5PR 2200, YO3FRI 2300. 14 MHZ. V5JC 0030, VK3DLL, 4Z85TA and WL7EF 0730, ZL3AFT 0800, T30CC 1000, 9N1AA 1030, YI1AL and OD5SK 1130, HK0DPA 1300, 4Z4TL 1330, A45XC 1400, 9K2USA and 9M2MW 1500, OH0/SK4BX 1530. ZS6BOK 1700, 9K2OZ 1800, FH/DJ2BW 1830, S92ZM and PJ9JT 1900, A22BW 1930, 9I2Z and J88BS 2000, CO2KG 2030, 21 MHz. A71CW and FR5ZU 1400, FH/DJ2BW 1430, J28JJ 1530, 5Z4FM 1600, KG4CB 1700, ZD7DP 1900, Pactor DX: 21 MHz. VS6FN 1230, QSL Information. KG4CB via WD9APE. J28JJ via F6HGO. T30CC via JR2KDN. YI1AL at P.O. BOX 140, Swelish, Jordan. FR5ZU via VE2NW. 4Z85TA via 4X6LM. J88BS via WA4WIP. 9I2Z via DL7VRO. FH/DJ2BW to home call. 9K2USA via K8EFS. OD5SK via KB5RA. Contests. The Alessandro Volta RTTY DX contest starts 1200 Saturday May 14th until 1200 Sunday may 15 (always the second full week-end in May). All 5 HF bands from 80 through 10 metres. Classes: A1 - Simgle operator all bands. A2/XX - Single operator single band (XX= 10, 15, 20, 40, 80) B - Multi-operator, single transmitter (list names and callsigns of all operators). C - S.W.L. Exchange message: To consist of - RST - QSO serial number - your CQ Zone number. Contacts: Stations can be worked only once for each band. Additional contacts may be made with the same station if a different band is used. Scoring: All two way RTTY contacts will score in accordance with the exchange points table. Contacts between stations within the same country will not be valid. e.g.: A W2 station can work a W1, W3, W4 etc., but not W2. Contacts made outside one's own continent on 3.5 or 28 MHz are worth double points. Multipliers: A multiplier of 1 is given for each country contacted. The same country may be claimed again if a different band is used. An additional multiplier is given for each intercontinental country worked on at least 4 bands. A contact with a station which would count as a multiplier will only be valid if the station appears in at least 4 other logs, or a contest log is received from that station. Countries: ARRL country list plus each call area in Australia, Canada and the U.S.A. will be counted as a separate country. Do not count the general country multiplier (VE-VK-W); count each call-area (VE1..0, VK1..0, W1..0). Scoring: Total exchange points multiplied by the total number of multipliers multiplied by the total number of QSO's. (Points X Multipliers X QSO's = final score). SWL: The same scoring rules will apply but be based on stations and messages copied. Awards: A special trophy will be awarded to the top stations in each class. In addition a certificate with a special sticker to all entrants. Log and Scoring sheets: Use one log per band. Logs must contain: Band, Date, Time GMT, Callsign of station worked, Message sent, Message received, Points and multipliers. A summary score sheet is required with a list of multipliers worked in each band. Comments will also be very much appreciated. Logs must be received by 31st July 1994 to qualify. Send logs to: I2DMI - Francesco di Michele - P.O. Box 55 - 22063 Cantu, Italy. Copies of the rules and scoring table are available from the editor. Please enclose a SASE. Notes of interest. HK0DPA is Hector on San Andres Isl. Minoru JA3MNP is expected to return to Mount Athos in April and return the RTTY equipment following repairs in Japan. We should then see SV2ASP/A or a similar call return to the HF screen. An earlier report suggested Doc JA3PFZ had been invited to visit Mount Athos as a guest operator with the intention of working Europe on RTTY. KYFC. BARTG caters for all DATA interests with information-components-kits -ready built units and software from experts. Members receive a 120 page quarterly journal devoted to data modes. Beginners guides for most data modes are available. The group sponsors HF and VHF RTTY contests, administers its own DX and members award scheme and runs an annual rally. This copy of BARTG News is posted by Iain Kendall (G6ARO) who can be contacted via Internet e-mail at.. Items for inclusion in the broadcast may also be mailed to this address, as well as any queries regarding membership or services offered by BARTG. GB2ATG editor (for Alessandro Volta RTTY DX contest rules and scoring table) Bob Canning (G0ARF) QTHR. Telephone - 0544 388350. Amtor/Pactor mail at GB7SCA. Amtor mail at GB7SIG. Copy of the news as distributed by G0ARF 940329.