IRTS RADIO NEWS BULLETIN - Sunday 1st of May. This news bulletin was compiled and edited by Steve Wright, EI5DD, in conjunction with the members of the Galway VHF Group. IRTS ANNUAL DINNER & AGM. The IRTS Annual Dinner, held last Saturday evening, was attended by over one hundred and thirty eight people who enjoyed a terrific meal and afterwards danced the night away to the music of "Swinging Revival". The Department of Communications was represented, at the function by, Sean MacMahon, Principal Officer of the Regulatory Division, who addressed the gathering. Over twenty five traders exhibited their wares on Sunday at the Radio Rally including a couple of traders who travelled from the UK to be present. A large selection of surplus equipment and second hand gear was available along with the much loved junk which was reluctantly brought along after being ordered out of the house by the XYL's! One Company from the UK, renowned for its home construction projects and printed circuit boards seemed to be of great interest to the punters proving that home construction is not a lost art. There was no shortage of components at this rally either. The IRTS book stand saw a good turnover of trade with the membership services benefiting from recruitment of new members and renewal of overdue subscriptions. Even the Radio News Editor was cornered on this occasion! The Annual General Meeting was well attended in the afternoon. After serving three consecutive years as President of the IRTS, Tom Rea, EI2GP, thanked the members of the committee who had served with him during his period of office. Tom thanked Bill, EI9FK, for his hard work as Secretary, his knowledge of the hobby and the contact he had established with the DOC - his services over the years were much appreciated. Tom also paid tribute to those involved in the vital services of the Society which are often taken for granted e.g. the Radio and Printed News Services, the News Readers, the QSL managers (incoming and outgoing), the IARU Rep and of course the multitude of tasks performed by the committee members on a day to day basis. Tom handed over the chain of office to Jim Ryan, EI3DP, who continued on the proceedings with the presentation of Trophies and the Society business. Regrettably space does not permit a full report on the individual presentations which may be found in next month's printed newsletter. The IRTS and the Donegal Tir Conaill Amateur Radio Society thank everyone who attended and contributed to the success of the weekend. On behalf of all of the members of the IRTS, special thanks and congratulations to all those from the Donegal Tir Conaill Amateur Radio Society who organised such a successful dinner, trade show and AGM. SOUTH EASTERN AMATEUR RADIO GROUP. A regular sked takes place on 144.800 Mhz for those interested in AREN operations. It has been running for the last number of weeks directly following the news on VHF. The net is controlled by Liam, EI7FE, who may be found on 144.800 at 21:45 every Tuesday night. Application forms are available from Liam, EI7FE, at QTHR for those who wish to participate in the local AREN operations. On Saturday the 23rd of April, EI2IMD, took to the air with contacts on 80, 40, and 20 metres. Over 300 contacts were made while the station was on the air. Operators John, EI8HX, Ian, EI6GY, and Frankie, EI4HW manned the station for the duration of the event. MARCONI DAY. Members of the Galway Radio Experimenters Club entered a station, EI4IMD, in the Annual Marconi Day event alongside the old Marconi Receive site at Letterfrack. Despite very poor weather conditions and tent for accommodation, those who took part were pleased with the outcome as one long pile up developed from start to finish. The operators of EI4IMD were visited on site by members of the Italian Cultural Society who are anxious to become involved in the event next year as 1995 will be Marconi's 100th Anniversary. G.R.E.C. will be activating the Site of the Alcock and Brown monument near Clifden on Wednesday the 15th of June. The invitation was extended by the Clifden Historical Society to mark the first crossing of the Atlantic. It is hoped to link up with a station in Newfoundland from the site where the Aviators took to the air. FINGAL RADIO CLUB RADIO & ELECTRONICS EXHIBITION. Fingal Radio Club will be holding their Radio and Electronics Exhibition at Jury's Hotel, Ballsbridge on Sunday the 8th of May. There will be many stands selling Used Equipment, Surplus Equipment, Radio Electronics and Computer Equipment with the IRTS Book Stand and Membership Services Stand being present also. Talk-in will be on S22 and admission will be œ1.00. ITEMS FOR INCLUSION. Items for inclusion in the Radio News Bulletins should be addressed to Steve Wright, EI5DD, C/o Department of Pathology, Regional Hospital, Galway. FAX messages may be sent to EI5DD at 091-24216. All items included in the Radio News Bulletins will be forwarded to Dave, EI4BZ, for inclusion in the monthly newsletter. Items for inclusion in the Printed News should be sent to Dave Moore, EI4BZ, at QTHR, phoned to 021-632444 during the day, or to 021-883555 in the evenings. Items may be sent on Packet Radio to EI4BZ at EI7DKB-5. Fax messages may be sent to 021-632730.