Bid : $RACESBUL.312 From: W6WWW@KD6XZ.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NOAM To : RACES@ALLUS TO: ALL ES, CD, AND PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTORS VIA AMATEUR RADIO INFO: ALL RACES OPERATORS IN CALIFORNIA INFO: ALL AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS FROM: CA STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES (W6SIG@WA6NWE.CA) Ph: 916-262-1600 2800 MEADOWVIEW RD., SACRAMENTO, CA 95832 LANDLINE BBS OPEN TO ALL 916-262-1657 RACESBUL.312 RELEASE DATE: February 7, 1994 Subject: MGT - Semantics 2/7 - Civil Defense Semantics is the basis for the majority of misunderstandings or disagreements. Semantics: the definition of words. A word that means one thing in one part of the country can mean either nothing or something else altogether in another part of the country. Let's discuss some of the common position titles most of us have heard at one time or another. Some of the titles apply to paid staff, others to volunteers, and some are held by both. CIVIL DEFENSE. This term is still used by many jurisdictions. In others it has been changed to emergency services, emergency management, disaster preparedness or similar name --- but it's role is still the same. In some jurisdictions the civil defense official is principally a planner and delegates all or most activities to departments in the jurisdiction. In other jurisdictions the position has command and control authority and responsibility. The CD official may directly supervise the RACES program in some jurisdictions. In others it has been delegated to another department head. The final authority and responsibility, however, always rests with the civil defense official. (Part 2 of 7. Continued)