copied from packet: From: AK3P@WB3FYL To: ALL@ALLUSA Subject: "Up" the power on your TS50 This info is for the TS50 users who would like to get about 100 Watts more out of their TS50's. The "modification" is very simple and does not require any soldering. I have made the mod on my 6 month old TS50 and have had no problem with it. As a matter of fact I run mine at about 225 watts peak out and yes you nay sayers out there it does work and if you don't key the radio down for 6 days straight, it will not kill the finals under normal SSB operation. However I would not run the radio full power in the FM mode. Maybe you would want to run it at a lower power setting, but read on..... 1) Place radio before you, front of radio facing you. Remove the top cover of the radio. Attach a power meter, a dummy load and a power supply that can deliver at least 20 Amps. If the power supply can't deliver enough current, the radio will shut down upon keying. 2) Locate the small vertically positioned board near the beginning of the heat sink. Note, it's the only board that is mounted vertically near the rear of the radio. There are two (2) small potentiometers mounted on this vertical board. The right pot is the ALC adjustment and the left pot is the SWR shut down setup (so I am told). --> DO NOT TOUCH ANY OF THEM <-- 3) Behind the vertical board and somewhat to the left of this board is a small white potentiometer. This is the potentiometer that will set your output power. I set my TS50 to FM mode and keyed it up into the dummy load. Now turn the white potentiometer BEHIND the vertical board carefully clockwise and watch your power meter go up. Set it to the power level you want. Keep in mind, there is NO noticable difference at the receiving end between 200 and 250 watts, but there is a noticable difference between 100 watts and 200 watts. The least it will do when used mobile, it will give you a "the frequency is in use old man" remark when before, even after asking 20 times if the frequency was in use nobody came back until you established a qso... you get the drift..... Please Note: the low and medium power settings also change when this mod is done. Also I would not run full power while in FM mode. By the way you are doing this mod at your own risk. Have fun with your TS50. 73 de AK3P ============================================================================= Note: I haven't tried or verified this, proceed at your own risk. WA2ISE