HUMOR@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU is an unmoderated INTERNET forum for sharing all forms of humor. Week-ends have light traffic and Tuesday-Thursday have heavy traffic. About 25% of the membership come from international sites. The list has attracted and maintained a high percentage of female members. If you have access to INTERNET, please join us. To be automatically subscribed send LISTSERV@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU the command SUB HUMOR YourLastname YourFirstname. Contributions are sent to HUMOR@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU. For owner assistance write BEDWARDS@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU. Description: HUMOR is a forum for sharing all forms of humor, including anecdotes, quotes, jokes, and wit. HUMOR is restricted to posting humor; humor of all types, topics and tastes may be posted. Proper use of the subject line eliminates nearly all complaints. Always include your theme in the subject line. Optionally, warn about sensitive content. If the humor is potentially offensive, include a warning in the subject line (for example, risque, adult language, graphic language, gender sensitive, racists or ethnic material, sexually explicit, sick or gallows humor). While many people may wish to subscribe to this list purely for entertainment, the purpose of the list is to provide a lively body of contemporary humor for people who study humor or who use humor professionally. Discussion should be directed to other lists. Reactions of any kind including questions, objections, praise, comments and corrections should be sent privately to the original sender, not to the list, not to the owner. The listowner challenges rules violation via private mail. Please be congenial with contributors who follow the rules. Personal attacks directed against a member of the list are seriously prohibited. List rules: 1. Only humorous material should be posted to this list. 2. The theme must be clearly identified in the subject line. 3. When there is potentially sensitive or offensive content (topics, themes, or words), a warning is required. 4. Posts should be shorter than 50 lines; HUMOR will not accept posts longer than 99 lines (headers and signatures count in the total). If you would like to share a larger file, especially collections, please post a sample of that file and offer to accept private requests for the complete file. 5. Discussion, requests, criticisms, questions should be posted privately to original sender; not to HUMOR. This list is strictly for humor. Chatter of any kind is welcomed. 6. There is a limit of one post per person per day. A post may contain multiple examples of humor. 7. No personal attacks against members of the list. The existence of HUMOR depends of subscribers following these rules. To determine your HUMOR list options send the command QUERY HUMOR to the LISTSERV@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU You may leave the list at any time by sending a SIGNOFF HUMOR command to LISTSERV@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU The amount of acknowledgement you wish to receive from this list upon sending mail to the list by means of a SET HUMOR