Read Me File for the Novell Certification Assessment Diskette The Novell Certification Assessment Diskette is designed to help you evaluate your NetWare knowledge. It will also give you practice answering questions of a similar format to those on the actual certification exams. Because this test covers the concepts you are required to know for certification, the higher you score, the closer you may be to actually becoming certified. However, the tests do not serve as actual certification exams, nor does performance on them guarantee or directly correlate to the degree of success you may have on the actual certification exams. You may take the tests one at a time, in any order, and you may repeat each as often as you wish. They are not scored as pass or fail. The score enables you to evaluate the quality of your performance and decide whether you would benefit from additional instruction. All study materials, whether self-study, instructor-led or computer- based, are available through your local Novell Authorized Education Center (NAEC). We thank you for taking the challenge to "put your networking knowledge to the test." Good Luck. How to start the program 1. Place the diskette into a disk drive. 2. Transfer control to that drive (e.g., A: then ) 3. At the prompt for the disk drive, type CERT then . If you are having problems running the program, increase the number of file handles on your system. This can be done by increasing the "FILES =" parameter in your config.sys file by 5. A common number of file handles is 20. Program Details When the program begins, you will see screens containing text on the purpose of the program. Press any key to proceed past these screens. You will then be asked to enter your first and last names and to confirm your entries. This creates a data file for your scores on the tests you will subsequently take. The program will then remember you and the scores on the tests you have previously taken each time you use the program. These scores may be printed at any time. After entering your name you will be given a choice of certification programs. Choose the program in which you are interested. After choosing the certification route, you will see a Test List. The test list is covered on one or more menus. At these menus you should choose a test. After you make the test choice, you will see an Options Menu. You may choose to take a section of topic test, see the reports on previous tests you have taken, or return to the Test List. Choosing to take a section will produce a menu of sections within the test of interest. You may select any of these sections to receive a subtest on this material. The program will present several questions dealing with this section. Taking a topic test will give you 30 randomly selected questions for that topic. Taking a Test All of the questions in the tests are multiple choice. When you see a test question, you can choose an option by typing A, B, C, etc., or by using the arrow keys to move the highlight bar. You may Skip a question if you wish; however, the question will appear again at the end of the test. You may also Cancel the test. Canceling the test will take you back to the section menu without giving you a score for the test. Test Scores When you have answered the questions, the program will save your score to your data file and display the score for you. The score report tells you how many questions you answered correctly out of the number that were presented. It also displays the percent value of your score. You can choose to Print your score. Copyright Message The Novell Certification Assessment Diskette is a product of Novell, Inc. and can be copied and distributed, but it is NOT to be distributed for resale. Obtaining Study Materials To obtain any of the source material upon which the tests are based, or for any additional training, please contact your local Novell Authorized Education Center (NAEC). At each of our 400 NAECs you are assured of being taught by Certified NetWare Instructors (CNIs), using Novell-developed material in facilities approved by Novell. Call (800) 233-EDUC for the NAEC nearest you. Novell Education Information (800) 233-EDUC (801) 429-5508 CNA/CNI/CNE/ECNE Program Information (800) 638-9273 Drake Training and Technologies Testing Information (800) RED-EXAM