This is the instructions and overview of This was written by Charles Cohen, and is meant for personnal use. To contact: Charles Cohen CIS # 71674,3113 1124 Woodstock Ave. Victoria, B.C. Canada. V8V 2R1 604-383-7809 This program is posted as Freeware and is used at your own risk. I would like to thank Richard Lam for Vrexx2 and Dion Gillard for Rxextras, for adding an incredible amount of utility to REXX. Also Rick Fishman for Procs.exe and Killem.exe, Very usefull in programming with Rexx. And lastly, my friend Flynn Marr for being on the other end of the phone line whenever needed. For use with OS2 2.* and Rexx Tested on FAT based systems. I have not tested it on HPFS.(it should work). I have run it through its paces and have found it to be extremely well- behaved. It was programmed and tested on a Toshiba 6400DX with one floppy and one hard drive. The purpose of Sav2disk is to be able to save only newer files to a floppy disk (either A:\ or B:\ drives). Being without any tape drives or multiple hard disks to store my constantly changing DATA files using commercially avaialble software, I designed Sav2disk.cmd to seek out a previously specified source directory and compare it too a previously specified target disk and directory. I check each file in the source directory too its' counterpart on the target disk (and/or directory) and determine just what to do with it. This is repeated until all the files in the source dir have been compared and/or copied. Obviously if the files are new, I don't check and simply copy them to the disk. You can modify your choices from within the program, can view a log of the failed, cancelled or comleted saves, and I included a viewing utility of A: or B: drive, so you can see what is on the disk before choosing to copy the files. Sav2disk works with 360k, 720k, 1.4Meg, and 1.2Meg FORMATTED disks. I added the multiple disk feature on a lark. It wasn't so larky afterall but its done. I actually keep my DATA directories in separate directories from their programs and try to keep them below the size of my disk drive, ie: 1.4Meg in my case. Sav2disk was really meant for this purpose. The files are stored uncompressed, just as they appear on the Hard Drive. to restore a files or files use the OS2 Disk Utilities or any other suitable file copy routine. If there is enough interest, I guess I'll write Rstr2dsk.cmd. Please feel free to contact me if you have any problems ...or not. Feedback is a wonderfull thing. If you desire a copy of the .cmd file with line-by-line annotation, contact me and I will either mail you a printout or Email you the file on Compuserve. Given the original is 78000k the text file should be quite a bit larger. Actually I haven't done it yet, so I don't know the exact size. Because the .cmd file is about 2500 lines, I will wait until prodded to produce it. I do appreciate the difficulty of following someone else's programming, so I tried to keep my variable names obvious. However, this will not be enough in all the different routines I run. So do feel free to ask for the annotated text. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Installation of Sav2disk Make a directory on whichever drive you wish your own choosing. ie:SAVEDATA Copy to that directory and unzip it. Make sure all the files mentioned below are there. Open the Template Folder and drag a Program Template onto the desktop Open a Program Template, and in the Path and Filename Box type the full drive and path and Sav2disk.cmd. ie: D:\SAVEDATA\SAV2DISK.CMD In the Working Directory Boxtype the full drive and path. ie: D:\SAVEDATA This will insure that Sav2disk is in its own directory and path enviroment. Click on Session tab, and at the top right are two boxes. One says Start Minimized and the other says Close Window on Exit. Click both of these on. (checkmark in the box). Next click on General tab and in the Title Box. Type Save to Disk. If you ever do call up this window to the desktop, this is a nicer name to see on the title bar. It will also then appear as the name running in the Window List. I have included Sav2disk.ico if you wish to change the icon. Click on Find, then Locate, then Path tabs and type in the directory where Sav2disk.ico is. The Sav2disk.ico will be displayed. Choose and Save icon, then leave the folder. It's done. Double click on the icon at you should get Sav2disk screen, which says 'Select a group to Save'. To setup Sav2disk for your own directories, read Setting Up Sav2disk (below) under Explanation of Sav2disk. You can have more than one copy of Sav2disk loaded on your computer at a time. They must be in separate directories, unique from each other. You may keep all the files in each directory or because YOU MAY ONLY RUN ONE Sav2disk AT A TIME, Vrexx.exe can be copied to C:\OS2 and all the .dll files to C:\OS2\DLL. You can run only one Sav2disk at a time because Rexx, Vrexx and Rxextras will try to share common information. OS2 will stop you if you attempt this. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Contents: - unzipped it contains 16 files which are: - S2dinstl.txt - contents, install instructions, usage information - Sav2disk.cmd - program for saving newer files only, from specified directories, to specified directories (read below for full description) - S2d.tmp - 0 byte file, used in Sav2disk.cmd to test drive readiness, if you wish to copy this file to disk, you must use XCOPY (COPY cannot copy a 0 byte file) - S2dsetup.fil - Ascii file containing information that is used by Sav2disk.cmd to store your particular choices and the directories associated with them. The " ` " at the beginning of each line are necassary for Sav2disk to extract the information properly. Sav2disk has a routine to edit this file from within the program. - S2dsetup.str - copy of the above file with initial settings for Sav2disk.cmd. For safety only. - S2dlog.fil - Log file with opening line. Can be erased anytime as Sav2disk.cmd will create it if it is not there when you do a backup. - Sav2disk.ico - icon for this program - Vrexx.exe,Vrexx.dll - files needed by the of program to generate & Devbase.dll PM windows etc.. it is part of the VREXX2 w/ Licence.txt utility. The complete VREXX2 program is available as VREXX2.ZIP in either OS2USER or OS2SUPPORT forums on Compuserve. It is Freeware and adds quite a few interesting additions to REXX. The complete package includes .inf files for documentation and example files. - RxExtras.dll - file needed by the program to accomplish certain is part of RxExtras utility. The complete RxExtras program is available as Rexxtr.ZIP in OS2DF1 forum on Compuserve. It is Shareware and adds some very usefull routines and functions to REXX. The complete package includes .inf files for documentation, .API files for use with VisoProRex and\or VX-REXX, and example files. You are allowed to have what I have included but you are not allowed to distribute or use it in your own programs without registering it first. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* These foloowing programs were written by Rick Fishman of Code Blazers Inc. There was no licencing information or referred to in his documentation, so I included them along with their .doc file. These represent the total .zip files that I found on Compuserve and the .doc includes the information regarding the author etc.. If you intend on playing with Vrexx and/or Rexx these are necessary tools for extricating yourself from pretty intense situations. Thanks Rick. - Procs.exe - Utility which identifies PID (process ID number) and reports all that is using the operating system. Usefull when programming using Vrexx2 and/or Sav2disk.cmd. - Killem.exe - if you are going to experiment with Vrexx2 and/or alter Sav2disk.cmd, this file will be indispensible. Also if for any reason Sav2disk lockups the computer killem can be used to free up the system without rebooting - Killem.doc & Procs.doc - readme files for above executables N.B. - To identify process, open an OS2 window and from the directory that contains Procs.exe, and at the prompt type, Procs. You can then Killem PID# or Killem Vrexx, to release Vrexx from the operating system. You can type Killem Vrexx without running Procs first. If there is nothing wrong, nothing will happen. Use these carefully. I copied them from OS2user or OS2support forum on Compuserve. As and *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* Explanation of Sav2disk.cmd /* PLEASE USE FORMATTED DISKETTES ONLY */ The first screen produced has 12 choices. You may choose any one of the twelve. Upon startup it is advisable to use 'Setup/Viewing Tools' then 'Modify Sav2disk' to set up the program since selection 2 through 11 will simply loop because Unused Choice 1 - 10 are not presently configured. 'Pick a File..' will work but please read below on 'How it Works ?' before you try it. 1) 'Setup/Viewing Tools' This utility creates a window of four more choices. 1) View Sav2disk Log: As Sav2disk is used, it stores the date, time and choice to S2dlog.fil when begun & cancelled or ended. It also contains the names of any files that were not copied correctly when the save was done. It is an Ascii file that can be read by any editor (such as E.exe). The viewer only displays the last 18 lines of the file. If you delete it, Sav2disk will create it again the next time you run the program. If no log file is present, the viewer will inform you. 2) View A:\ - Drive : This utility allows you to view what is on A:\ Drive. It is only a viewer, no writing to disk occurs. 3) View B:\ - Drive : This utility allows you to view what is on B:\ Drive. It is only a viewer, no writing to disk occurs. 4) Modify Sav2disk : Please see below for explanation, concerning Setting Up Sav2disk. Setting Up Sav2disk: Modify Sav2disk creates a window of 10 choices. These refer to the 'Unused Choice 1 through 10'. You can choose one or more to edit at one time. You will then be prompted to 'Enter new Title for', that can be no more than 21 characters in length and consist of no more than 4 words. It does no matter if you use capitals or not. Sav2disk will capitalize the first letter of each word and lower case the rest of the word. You can only use A to Z as valid title characters. Because Vrexx2 use scalable fonts for displaying characters, the Title, depending on which letters were chosen (ie: w take up more space that i) title my still be too large for the initial window. The program still operates properly, but doesn't look very nice. You will only see this after you have saved the entry(s). Try it again. You will then be prompted to 'Enter a Source Dir for', in the form of Drive:\Path\*.* (ie: D:\Dbase\Garden\*.src). As you can see, you can use wildcards (*) with specified extensions, or you can use E:\*.* or any string that is in that form. If no files are pointed to (ie: the entry looks like this, D:\Dbase\Garden) the program will tell you that the source directory entry is NOT VALID and disallows the save. Try again. If you write the source directory properly but it does not exist Sav2disk will tell you that No Files were found when Sav2disk tries its first save of that directory. This is also case insensitive. Sav2disk will capitalize all characters. If Sav2disk is editing 'Unused Choice 1 through Unused Choice 9', you will then be prompted to 'Enter a Target Directory for'. You may use A to Z or 0 thru 9 as cahracters. This entry only needs a name, ie: GARDEN would be used as a target directory such as A:\Garden, and the files would be copied to A:\Garden. The sub-directory need not have been created on the target disk. Sav2disk will create it if it does not exist. If you want to use the root of either A:\ or B:\ drive, simply leave this entry blank. This is also case insensitive. Sav2disk will capitalize the characters. If Sav2disk was editing 'Unused Choice 10' there will be only 'Enter a Source Directory for'. Choice 10 is an XCOPY routine that requires only a Source directory. XCOPY as I run it, will copy all the files and sub-directories and their files to the floppy of choice. I have included this for a couple of reasons. Firstly it copies much faster than COPY and will copy all sub-directories and their files, creating the sub-directories if they don't exist, on the target drive. The second reason is the Workplace Shell Backup program I use, makes 2 sub-directories and writes 40 files to them. When I want to copy them from my hard disk to floppy, I know that all of them (the files) in all their sub-directories, have been changed, so Sav2disk doesn't bother to check which of the two files, the source directory file or target directory file is newer. This Choice is limited to the space avaialbale on one disk. Sav2disk does take into account if the target directories and subdirectories & files are on the target disk before it copies. It will not copy more than one diskfull of any size. Restoring my Desktop requires that all the files are on only one disk. After you complete the three (or two as in the case of 'Unused Choice 10') entries for each of your choices you will be prompted to Save the Settings. Answering YES will save the choices you have just done and the program will continue with your choices if there are more than one. Answering NO and the programs does not save the last choices but will continue with your other choices of there are any. When you are all done, you will be returned to the beginning screen and the 12 choices with your new menu. (all except Setup/ Viewing Tools and the last choice 'Pick a File..') 2) How they work ? 'Unused Choice 1' - 'Unused Choice 9' inclusive. I first allow you to select which disk drive (A:\ or B:\ drive) you wish to copy too. You can also decide to delete all files, directories and sub-directories on the target disk by choosing TOTAL DISK SPACE on the appropriate drive. If this is choosen the disk is cleaned but not formatted, by the deletion routine. The files are then copied from the source directory to the chosen disk one by one. If you fill up the disk, Sav2disk will ask you insert another disk in the drive. You can even switch drives size if you want. You will again be given the choice use TOTAL DISK SPACE on the new disk. If you choose CHOSEN DIR ONLY, Sav2disk will then use only the space available in that directory. ie: if your target directory is A:\S2DBKP, Sav2disk will make room only in that particular directory by deleting files, when necessary, that do not appear in the source directory ie: if your target directory is simply, A:\ or B:\ (the default directory is the root), Sav2disk will not use any space on the target disk addressed by another sub-directory. If there is room on the disk to copy without deleting, that will be done first before any deleting takes place. If the file exists on the target drive and is older than the on in the source directory, I copy it. If not I continue on to the next file in the source directory. If the file is new, I copy it. If there is no room to copy to the target drive and/or directory and there are other files existing on the target drive (in the directory chosen if not the root directory) which do not exist in the source directory, they will be erased as needed to make room for the files which chosen. If there are no other files to erase to make room on the target drive, the program prompts for a new disk to use. There is protection for choosing a drive which does not physically exist. ie: B:\drive on a laptop Sav2disk does not allow the OS2 operating system to change the drive designation by asking for it twice, as would occur from a OS2 prompt. If the disk that is chosen to copy too, is write-protected, OS2 will come up with its own Error Box. The Error is explained and 3 choices are given. 1) RETURN ERROR CODE AND RETURN TO THE PROGRAM, will, if the Tab is changed, allow the program to continue happily on its way; if the Tab is not changed Sav2disk.cmd will err and produce its own Error window. Under these circumstances these errors will continue to alternate until the Tab is changed to allow for a copy. 2) END PROGRAM, will end Sav2disk.cmd and return you to the OS2 Desktop. 3) REDO COMMAND, will, if the Tab is not changed, will keep displaying the same OS2 Error Box. Once the Tab is changed the program will continue happily on its way. All other errors, such as the file is larger than the total disk size, no files found in the source directory, a directory such as C: or D: or anything that Sav2disk will not recognize as a directory to search, are caught and you will be informed by Sav2disk. Even a full FAT table error is caught. (112 files in a root directory of a 720k disk). 3) How it works ? 'Unused Choice 10' has been explained above in Setting up Sav2disk. 4) How it works ? 'Pick a File to Save' This routine will copy a single file to your target disk. It will not allow copying from either floppy to each other or themselves. It also searchs the path you have either written or chosen, to make sure the file exists before it tries to copy it. It will delete files in the root directory of the target diskette when necessary to create space for the file chosen, if you had chosen CHOSEN DIR ONLY. You may also choose the TOTAL DISK SPACE to clean up the diskette before copying. If their is no room on the diskette, you will be prompted for a new one. This NEW DISK ROUTINE is explained above in 'Unused Choice..' If the file chosen is larger than the disk size, you will be informed. 5) How it works ? S2dlog.fil - this is a simple Ascii file ie: no printing format included you may edit it in any Ascii Text Editor (E.exe) to remove excess lines or whatever you wish to do. Sav2disk lets you view only the last 18 lines when you ask for this utility. If you have deleted the file, you will obviously be unable to view it. Sav2disk will create a new S2dlog.fil when the program is used next. 6) How it works ? S2dsetup.fil - this is an Ascii file that contains the 29 lines which Sav2disk uses to determine the titles, source directories and target directories of your choices. You may edit it outside of Sav2disk but be sure to leave ' ` ' at the beginning of each line (this symbol on my keyboard is on the same key as ~). Sav2disk requires this mark so that blank lines can be read by Sav2disk when reading from this file. Lines 1, 3, 5...are the titles of Choice 1 through Choice 10; Lines 2, 5, 8....are the source directories for their respective titles; Lines 3, 6, 9...are the target directories associated with their respective titles and source directories. I included S2dsetup.str. It is a copy of the original file (Unused Choices) and can be renamed S2dsetup.fil and used to begin again. 7) How it works ? S2d.tmp - this is a zero-byte file that is used by Sav2disk to check if the write protect-tab is set. It will only fail is the tab is set or the FAT Table is full. It will copy even if the disk is apparently full. If you want a copy this file to floppy, you must use XCOPY. COPY will fail on a zero-byte file. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*