By: Eileen Morgan Christmas Ornament Exchange 1994, Fidonet CRAFTING Echo Conference Okay, folks, time to get those ideas in motion and start making ornaments for the Third Annual Christmas Ornament Exchange. As always, the rules will be very simple: (1) Any and all crafts can be used, including but not limited to: cross-stitch, embroidery, beadwork, plastic canvas, crocheting, knitting, etc. When planning your ornaments, please consider ease and cost of mailing. (2) Ornaments should not exceed 4"x6" in size. (3) Groups for the exchange will be limited to 11 participants each. This will require each person to make and send out no more than 10 ornaments. Names for the exchange will be collected up to and including October 31st. Those who still wish to participate at that time, and who have all their ornaments ready for mailing, will be assigned to a group. (4) Star status will apply, but a little differently than before. Stars will be assigned to groups, also to a maximum of 11 members per group. Due to the unknown factor of how many stars there will be, the deadline for having ornaments ready for stars will be November 30th. Of course, there will be no reason to wait until the publication of lists to start making these extra ornaments. (5) Relax and enjoy! That's what the exchange is all about! -=> Eileen <=- For more info on joining the excahmge contact Eileen at 1:351/258 or in the Fidonet CRAFTING Echo Conference.