From: J. BARRETT Title: Crochet snowflake ornament Categories: Crochet Servings: 1 From: LLONA WARDS Refer#: NONE Subj: crocheted snowflake Conf: (62) STITCHES Gold or silver crochet cotton Steel crochet hook sz. 2 Ch. 5, join with slip stitch to form ring. Rnd. 1: Ch. 1, 7 sc in ring, join with sl st in first sc. Rnd. 2: Ch 3, dc in same st, *ch 5, 2 dc in next sc, repeat from *5 times, ch 2, dc in top of beginning ch 3. Rnd. 3: (Ch 3, sl st in same st) 3 times for picot group, *ch 3, sl st in center of st of next 5 lp, (ch 3, sl st in same st) 3 times for another picot group, repeat from *5 times, ch 3, slst in base of first picot group. Sl st to center of next ch 3 lp, ch 10 for hanging loop, sl st in same st, fasten off. Starch and press.