From: J. BARRETT Title: Touch of snow bookmark Categories: Crochet Servings: 1 1 Ball of knit cro sheen (225 Yd ball) color of your choic Or white will make several Bookmarks. 1 Size 6 crochet hook 1 Stiffener size 9" long (snowflake is 2" in diameter gauge: over sc 8 sts=1" ch4, join w/slst to form ring rnd 1: ch3, 13dc in ring-14 dc, counting beg ch3 as one dc. join w/slst to top of beg ch3 rnd 2: ch1, sc in same st as join, ch4, *sk next st, sc in next st, ch4, rep from * around, join w/slst to beg sc-7 lps rnd 3: (sc, hdc, 2hdc, sc) in each lp around, join w/slst in first sc rnd 4: ch1, sc in same st as join, *ch4, sk next 2 sts, sc in next st, rep from * around, end ch4, join w/slst in first sc-14 lps rnd 5: rep rnd 3. do not fasten off. rnd 6 (tail): ch 48, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next 46 ch, join w/slst in first sc of rnd 5. fasten off. tassel: cut 11 3" strands of thread and 2 6" strands. tie 11 3" strands in center with one 6" strand and tie ends of 6" strand to end of tail. fold strands in half and wind second 6" strand several times around tassel 1/2" below fold and tie in knot. trim ends evenly. tie tassel to end of tail. starch lightly.