SOLID COLOR TWIST You'll need 1 skein of DMC Floss (artcle 117) to make the Solid Color French Twist. To begin, cut two 2 1/2 yd. (90") strands. Arrange so that 2 longer strands are on the ledt. We'll call these -'"working strands" which will be worked together as one (A1). The remaining 6 shorter strands (A2), called "anchor strands", should be on the right. Tie strands in a knot leaving a 2 - 2 1/2" tail. Tape tail to a surface. Smooth out strands so they are in correct order. Step 1: Wrap A1 over then under A2 to form a knot. Step 2: While holding A2 taut, pull A1 in upward direction until knot is tightened at top. Step 3: Continue knotting in exact same manner. You'll notice formation of diagonal row of knots slanting down toward right. To insure uniform spiral pattern. Be sure each knot is made beneath preceding knot rather than on top of it. Complete 5 0r 6 knots until A1 is at far right and beginning to spiral behind A2. Step 4: At this point, twist bracelet slightly to right so working strands, A1, are again on left side. Repeat Steps 1-4 until bracelet is long enough to fit around wrist. Tie strands in knot. Trim tail to same length as beginning tail. Tie around wrist using square knot (left tail over right tail; then right over left). For a speckled "Tweed" effect, try using one strand each of two different colors as your "working strands". Helpful Hint: If long lengths of floss are difficult to work with, wind the excess with elastic bands. Unwind.