By: Donna Ransdell Potholder Exchange Rules POTHOLDER EXCHANGE, now to 30 June 1994: Welcome to the Potholder Exchange! For each person in your group, you will be making one potholder in the style and medium of your choice. Potholders should be at least 6"x 6" (or larger), and made in a material that will be heat resistant. Some materials, such as polyester, will melt in the heat. Other materials are ideal for potholders, such as the aforementioned ironing board cover teflon material. Good fillers include old thick terry cloth towels, non-polyester blankets, and thick felt. When you have finished the potholder, be sure to mail it in a tamper-resistant package to the recipient. It is acceptable to let the recipient know in the echo that your potholder is on its way, as it is to acknowledge receipt of one. (It would help to use combined messages whenever possible, to save numbers of messages and repeating the same thing over and over again.) Let's try to have all potholders mailed out by the end of June, so that we may get on with other echo exchanges? :) Thanks!