From: REGINA GANNAWAY (c) 1994 by Regina Gannaway Hint # 10 USES FOR FREEZER PAPER Freezer Paper makes great patterns. It's sturdy and wide enough to handle most needs. And if you can find it with a gridlines, that's helpful too for measurements. Another handy item is wax paper. It can make nice pattern pieces also. (c) 1994 by Regina Gannaway Hint # 11 ORGANIZING TIP The greatest thing for organizing is zipper close bags (you can see through them and tell what you have). I use them to store buttons, zippers, snaps, etc. and larger bags (gallon size) to store patterns. You know once you've cut out a garment, the pattern pieces never seem to fit back in the envelope. A gallon size bag does the trick. (c) 1994 by Regina Gannaway No pucker V's Usually this happens in a heckline or a notched collar. When you have a seam that comes to a V, don't pivot at the point. Sew down one side to the point, then sew down the other side. Use the handwheel to manually place the needle at the point. When you turn the facing right side in, your V will not pucker. (c) 1994 by Regina Gannaway Perfect Dart Points: To make a perfect and solid dart point, stitch the dart from top to bottom (the V). Then don't cut the thread, lift the needle and presser foot and pull the fabric towards you about 5/8" and put the needle back in the fabric over top of the first stitching. Lower the presserfoot and sew again right over the first stitching. Then cut the thread and press the dart. (c) 1994 by Regina Gannaway Snip Those Notches: To safe time when cutting out a pattern, use snips (about 1/4" deep) to mark the notches (this works for dots too). Not only does it save time, I think it makes more accurate alighnment of pattern pieces. (c) 1994 by Regina Gannaway Hint #15 REUSING PATTERN TISSUES If you plan to use a pattern tissue more than once, it's a good idea to reinforce the areas where you will make markings with tracing paper. I use celophane tape to keep the pattern tissue strong for use over and over again. (c) 1994 by Regina Gannaway Hint #16 RIGHT SIDE VS WRONG SIDE To tell the right side of the fabric from the wrong side, there are several wasy. You can make markings with tracing paper, marker, etc. When I'm in a rush, I simply place a pin (maybe of a special color) on the right side. I always place it on the right side.