" *****************************","12" " * TURBO DICE *","15" " *****************************","12" " * A TURBO DICE ADVENTURE! *","15" " *****************************","12" " ","14" " The object of Turbo Dice is to place bets on whether the","15" " next dice rolled will be higher or lower than the one that is","15" " displayed. There are three rows of dice to roll against each game.","15" " As you end a row, the last dice will move up to begin the next row","15" " you will roll against. You may re-roll one dice per row to try","15" " to draw an easier dice to bet against. ","15" " You must bet at least HALF of your account on the last dice.","15" " Players compete against each other monthly and the All Time High","15" " score, the past monthly top score plus the top ten players","15" " of the current month are saved in the Hall of Fame.","15" " ","15" " Have fun and good luck! ","14" "'",""