We are in the process of producing an electronic book reader for Windows called CyberReader, and we are looking for authors who write speculative fiction and are interested in seeing their works published. The software runs under Microsoft Windows, and will be released on CompuServe, the Internet, and world-wide on BBS systems as inexpensive shareware. We feel that cyberspace is the first truly democratic publishing arena. If you write speculative fiction and would like a copy of our submission guidelines, please respond via E-mail and we will send the guidelines in a reply. We are looking for short story collections (at least 80 pages), novellas, and novels up to 800 pages long. You need not be a published writer, only a good one. Please request our guidelines if you're interested. We'd like to hear from you. On the Internet, please E-mail Todd Henschell, the Editor, at HENSCHEL@PATCHBAY.COM. From Compuserve you can reach me by putting in the to field: INTERNET:HENSCHEL@PATCHBAY.COM. Internet MUST be in all caps. In your request please tell us what it is you write (long or short fiction). Thanks. Todd Henschell, Editor Derek Backus, Programmer CyberReader by Dangerous Cybernetics