. . . . . . . . ú . . . . ²²²²²²²²²²²² ²²² ²²²²²²²²²²²² ²²² ú ²²² ú ²²² ²²² ú ²²² . ú ²²² ²²² ú ²²² ú ²²² ú ²²² ²²² ²²² ú ²²² ²²²²²²²²²²²² ²²² ²²²²²²²²²²²² ²²² ú . ²²² ú ú ²²² ú ²²² ²²² ²²² ú ²²² . ²²² ú ²²² . ²²² ²²² ú ²²² ²²² . . ²²²²²²²²²²²² ú ²²² ²²²²²²²²²²²² ²²² Copyright (c) 1991,1992 JEMSOFT Data Management . Version 1.1b ú . . . ú ú . . ú . ú . ú . . .ú . . . CONTENTS . -------- . . . About 2151 ......................... 2 . Requirements ....................... 3 . BBS Software Supported ..............3 . Installation ....................... 4 COM3 / COM4 Information ............ 7 . . Premise & Playing the Game ......... 9 . Problems / ERRORS .................. 10 BUG Report Form .................... 11 Registration Information ........... 12 . . Technical Information .............. 13 . List of files in the archive ....... 14 Warranty / Legal ................... 15 . . . . . . . . << Quality Software for a Brighter Future >> . . . . . . . . . Page 1 About 2151 ---------- When we set out to develope this series of new doors, we found ourself's up against a formidable problem. That being, what kind of games to write and what BBS software to support. We quickly decided that the world most certainly did not need another card game, space "shoot em up", or simple trivia door. After many sleepless nights, and much erased code, we hit on the idea of an interactive game that tests the players knowledge and was still more than a simple trivia game, hence 2151. 2151 will provide a certain level of sophistication, not found in most of today's assembly line door programs. We have taken great care in designing this door to keep the players interest, while not frustrating him / her at the same time. 2151 was written using coding methods and routines proven reliable in JEMSOFT's commercial software products for the last five years. This program, and others to follow, are our first adventure in door writing. As CEO of JEMSOFT, these new doors are my "pet" project. You can rest assured I will be around to support them for years to come. Our company has always had the highest regard for the shareware industry and will be as professional in supporting shareware products as we are in supporting our commercial products. Please understand, this is MY personal project. All registration funds received will go to future door programs only. If you like 2151, then please register it! 2151 contains NO expiration or "Time Bomb" to get you to send in the registration. I don't believe in producing that sort of door. What you will get is access to the advanced features that allow you to control how the game plays, and an editor to add/delete/change the database and catagories. The program is functional as received, but much more so after registration. Unregistered versions are limited to 100 questions in each of the five catagories, 5 random questions given the caller, and a fixed 60 second time limit to answer. Registered versions are unlimited and come with the editor. I think its well worth the small price of registration considering the many hundreds of hours spent coding, testing, and rewriting that goes into a program such as 2151. If this door is sucessful, many more can be expected from this author. I have several already on the drawing board, but will hold off on further development until I see if theres a market for them. You must remember that writing these doors is not my full time vocation, at least not yet that is. It depends on YOU to let me know if its worth it or not. Well, enough of that stuff, lets get on with it! Robert J. Fehn Page 2 Requirements (Please read the READ-ME!.1ST file, it contains the latest) ------------ (information on 2151 and software support. Read it FIRST!) 2151 was designed as a door, meaning a program that runs from a Bulletin Board System (BBS). You may run the game without a BBS, but you will not be able to enjoy all 2151 has to offer in this mode. (2151 LOCAL) This program is compatible with nearly ALL BBS software. 2151 directly supports the following BBS systems without "translators" or converters: SYSTEM VERSIONS SUPPORTED DOOR INFO FILE NAME CONFIG SWITCH -------- ------------------ ------------------- ------------- WILDCAT! Version 1.xx CALLINFO.BBS WC1 WILDCAT! Version 2.xx CALLINFO.BBS WC2 WILDCAT! Version 3.xx DOOR.SYS WC3 PCBOARD Version 14.x+ PCBOARD.SYS (1st 128 bytes) PCB RBBS Version 16.x 17.x DORINFOx.DEF RBB SPITFIRE ALL SFDOORS.DAT SPF GAP ALL DOOR.SYS GAP GENESIS DELUXE ALL CALLINFO.BBS GEN SEARCHLIGHT BBS MAY NEED CONVERSION PCBOARD.SYS SLT MAXIHOST (SET TO CREATE ----> DORINFOx.DEF) MAX FORCE (tm) ALL DOOR.SYS FOR FoReM 2.5+ NOT SUPPORTED DORINFOx.DEF FRM QuickBBS ALL DORINFOx.DEF QCK SuperBBS ALL ? DORINFOx.DEF SUP TELEGARD BBS ALL ? DOOR.SYS TLG REMOTE ACCESS ALL ? DORINFOx.DEF RMA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If your BBS software IS NOT LISTED but creates one of the door info files shown above, use the config file switch for that system. If that does not work, try one of the MANY door conversion utilities available, I have had favorable results using DOORMASTER in many applications. Some of these support routines are untested. If you have problems, let me know ASAP! System Requirements: * IBM-PC/XT/AT/PS2 * At least 190k free memory available to 2151 after shell * DOS version 3.1 or later * A HARD DRIVE (of course, you already one if you have a BBS!) * Color or Monochrome local monitor with graphics capability 2151 directly supports COM1 through COM4. If you need support for other ports, contact me and I will customize a copy for you. Support for COM5 through COM8 will be included in the next release of Jemsoft's BBS doors. Page 3 Installation ------------ I, like many of you I'm sure, have struggled with cryptic installation files and door setup routines for years. Well, not with 2151 you won't! Included in this archive, is an installation program that will make this job easy. * To play the game locally and get a feel for it before placing on-line, follow steps 1 and 2 below then enter 2151 LOCAL on the command line. Features read from the BBS config file will not be available in local mode, defaults will be used. 2151 will create all data files except the BBS config file when run for the first time. The config file must be created using the included install program. All "housekeeping" will be handled internally, no nightly maintainence programs are required. 1) Create a directory in your doors area for 2151 2) UnZIP the archive into this directory 3) Be prepared with the names you will use for the bulletins produced by 2151 and the path/name of your doorinfo file. 2151 creates 2 seperate bulletins; one in ANSI and ASCII for the players position, and one in ASCII only for the "Hall of Fame" (list of past Presidents) 4) Run the install program 2151INST.EXE and answer the following: (defaults are provided) The CONFIG FILE: * "Name of CONFIG file for this NODE?" (any legal DOS file name) If running a multi-node system, create a DIFFERENT config for each node: NODE_1.CFG, NODE_2.CFG, etc... Single node systems may name this file anything you wish. * "BBS Name" (The name of your BBS as you wish it to appear in the game. Unregistered versions will replace this name with "EVALUATION COPY" until registered. When you register the door, the name on the registration form must match this name EXACTLY! Obviously this is how we create "KEY" files to unlock extended features, but you knew that anyway, huh? * "SYSOP's First & Last Name" (self explanatory) * "Door Path" (The path to 2151 ending in \ Do not include the file name. Example: C:\BBS\DOORS\2151\ ) * "Drive, path, name of door info file" (The name of the file created by your BBS system when dropping out to a door and where it can be located. Use FULL filespec such as: C:\WC30\WCWORK\NODE1\DOOR.SYS Replace these with your actual parameters. In some systems there is Page 4 not going to be enough space on this line to contain long paths. If this is so, simply place the name of the door info file here for now and edit this line in the CONFIG file later to reflect the cor- rect, and complete, path / filespec. Use your own text editor. * "Locked DTE speed or N for none" (2151 can operate with high speed modems where the DTE is locked at 9600, 19200, etc up to 115200. If you have your DTE locked at one of the above, then enter that BAUD rate here. If not, enter N for None.) Also supports 1200, 2400 but I must confess, I don't know why anyone would lock at those speeds! * "Drive, path, name of COLOR BULLETIN" (Like it says, the complete filespec including the name of the ANSI bulletin for your callers.) Example: C:\WC30\BULLS\BULL21.SCR * "Drive, path, name of ASCII BULLETIN" (Same as above but for NON COLOR callers.) Example: C:\WC30\BULLS\BULL21.BBS NOTE: Future versions will support Wildcat! V 3.x @xx@ COLOR CODES NO bulletins are made or updated in true LOCAL MODE! (command line) * "Drive, path, name of Hall of Fame" (Again, as above but ASCII only, no color. This bulletin is a permanent list of all who have achieved the highest level (President) in the game and were at that level when game reset. It is appended, not over-written.) * "BBS Type" (See the "Requirements" section above and enter the CONFIG FILE SWITCH that corrisponds to your BBS software. If needed use a door converter program to create a door info file that is on the above list. If you use this method, please set up the converter program to produce a DOOR.SYS or CALLINFO.BBS file. This will give you the fastest operation possible. [Convert to Wildcat! 3.xx/2.xx] * "Maximum question answer time" (Enter the maximum time 2151 will wait for an answer to the current question given the caller. This figure is in seconds, from 10 to 999 may be entered. Unregistered versions are locked at 60 seconds.) * "Give how many questions, category 1" (How many randomly generated questions can the caller answer for this category. Valid numbers range from 1 to 999. << Unregistered versions are locked at 5 >> VERY IMPORTANT!!! Do not exceed the maximum number of questions in the catagories database! A maximum of 50% is about as high as you should go. No minimum number is required, you can set this to 1 if you wish them to only answer 1 question and move on. This number is the MAXIMUM number of questions they will be given, callers are NOT required to answer all questions. If they answer one or more, they will receive a score, provided they answer it correctly. Page 5 The number of questions will control how long a caller is on line in the game. If you allow them to answer, say 50 questions, in each category, then they have the ability to tie up your BBS for quite a while! Think about this before setting these variables. 2 or 3 questions per category seems about right for most applications. The next 4 options deal with the remaining catagories, a different number of questions may be entered in these if you wish. Use above listed guidelines. * \ The categories are fixed in * See above example the unregistered version. In * the registered game, you may * / make up your own categories. * "Is this a Multi-Node BBS?" (Answer Y if Yes or N if No. If set to yes, then 2151 will require seperate CONFIG files for each node. It will only run on one node at a time as of this release. If the game is active on node 1 and is requested on node 2, the caller on node 2 will be told the door is not avaliable and please try later. This will be changed in later releases to true multi-user support. This door creates the file "DOORIN.USE" when active and erases it before exiting. This file should never be seen in the 2151 directory. * "Number of This node" (As previously mentioned, multinode operation requires seperate config files for each node. Use THIS node number. This number is used internally in creating temporary files & error message logs. It should reflect the actual node number. If running a single node, or if your BBS does not support multi node operation then enter 1 here.) * "Reset game after this many players" (2151 contains an internal reset routine to wipe the score files and add the current top score player's name to the "Hall of Fame" bulletin/file. You may set this number to anything between 10 and 9999. 25 is the default and has proven to be a good number for most systems. Large BBSs with many callers may wish to increase this number. Unregistered versions are locked at 25. When the game resets, the caller is presented with a message explaining this and allowed to continue. The caller is made high scorer by default and the current high scorer is moved to the "Hall of Fame" file.) * "Type of HANDSHAKE (CTS, XON, or BOTH)?" Handshaking is used to control the flow of data to and from the serial port. For the door to function correctly, some method must be used. If you have a high speed modem, 9600 bps or better, then use CTS or BOTH. If you have have a 2400 or lower, use XON. For MNP or other "error correcting" low speed modems, try BOTH or CTS. If left blank, none will be used Page 6 If you experience problems, as reported by your callers, that all they get is the first few lines of a screen and then just garbage, its most likely the handshake method you have set. This can happen when high speed modems are sending out data with the DTE locked and the caller is actually at a lower speed. If you are locking the DTE speed at a higher rate than the modems actual online speed, use CTS or BOTH for handskake type. Be sure to enter it correctly on the last line of the configuration screen. All Jemsoft doors support RTS/CTS flow control when CTS or BOTH are selected during setup. This insures that communication buffers will not overflow during operation. Support for 16550 UARTs will be in- cluded in a later release. As of now, 16550s are treated as 16450s and their buffering abilities are not used by the door. All Jemsoft doors support COM 1 through 4 and can be modified if a non standard port is needed. Later releases will support 1 through 8 and any IRQ and/or base address that you require. Jemsoft doors DO NOT require a "Run Time Module" for operation. All of our doors are stand alone programs. We feel the self contained programs are more efficient and reliable even though they are not as small and fast to download. Jemsoft doors also DO NOT require a nightly "maintainence" event to be run. All maintainence and house- keeping is done in the backround while the caller is on-line. Default port addresses and interrupts used by Jemsoft doors: COMM BASE ADDRESS IRQ ---- ------------ ___ COM1 3F8 HEX 4 < INDUSTRY STANDARD > COM2 2F8 HEX 3 < " " > COM3 3E8 HEX 4 < " " > COM4 2E8 HEX 3 < " " > Thats it! Unless you are running multi nodes your done with the config files. Look over your entries and check for mistakes, press when satisfied with the file to save and exit. Installation (continued): Now on with the batch files that call the door. Very simple here, just create a batch file for each node or just one file if single node, and follow these guidelines: {Examples shown for Wildcat! Ver 3.xx 2.xx} ** For BBS systems that shell out to doors: ECHO OFF <- TURN OFF LOCAL ECHO CLS <- CLEAR LOCAL SCREEN D: <- CHANGE DRIVE IF NEEDED CD\DOORS\2151 <- CHANGE TO 2151'S DIRECTORY 2151 NODE_1.CFG <- RUN PROGRAM USING CONFIG FILE NAMED: NODE_1.CFG Page 7 Name this batch file according to your BBS software's format. If you are running Wildcat! version 3.xx and have more than one node, or you have created a node directory, then name the file DOORxx.RUN and place it in the proper node directory. (xx = door number) Create a file for each node with the proper config file name and place one in each nodes work directory along with the other DOORxx.RUN files. (if multi node) Since the BBS program remains in memory during the shell, it is NOT required to recall the BBS through the batch file. When the door ter- minates, the BBS will return and handle all needed procedures. DO NOT recall CAT.BAT in Wildcat! version 3.xx if set to SHELL out. For other BBS software that shells out to doors, refer to your manual. ** For BBS systems that TERMINATE when a door is requested: ECHO OFF <- TURN OFF LOCAL ECHO CLS <- CLEAR LOCAL SCREEN D: <- CHANGE DRIVE IF NEEDED CD\DOORS\2151 <- CHANGE TO 2151'S DIRECTORY 2151 NODE_1.CFG <- RUN PROGRAM USING CONFIG FILE NAMED: NODE_1.CFG C: <- RETURN TO BBS SYSTEM DRIVE IF NEEDED CD\WILDCAT <- CHANGE TO BBS SOFTWARE'S MAIN DIRECTORY CAT <- RECALL BATCH FILE THAT RUNS BBS If your BBS software terminates when a door is run, you MUST recall the batch file that starts up your BBS. Failure to do so will result in a dead system. This applies to ALL doors, not just 2151. < The WILDCAT! 3.xx example ASSUMES you have set the shell option > < in Makewild to SHELL, not TERMINATE. If not, use the 2.xx example. > < Substitute your actual parameters for those shown in the examples. > NOTE: If you are using WATCHDOG or similar carrier detection utilities, turn them OFF when running 2151!!. The door will monitor carrier while it is active and return to the BBS if carrier is lost. While the game is active, the callers name, baud rate, and time left are displayed on line 24 of the local screen. The SYSOP also has several op- tions available at this time. He may chat with the caller by pressing F7 He may view the users stats by pressing F2 (stats will not be complete with certain BBS software) He may drop to DOS while the user is on line by pressing ALT D Or he may drop the caller back to the BBS without any explaination by pressing F10. These features are listed on line 25 and are active in local and remote mode. (chat is disabled in local mode) 2151 will automatically determine if you are using a color monitor for local display. With some monochrome adapters, the graphics screens may not look 100% correct to you. Rest assured, your callers are seeing them correctly. The problem is ONLY on the local end when using text adapters Page 8 Playing the Game ---------------- PREMISE: After the failure of the political system in the year 2140, the country was left without a method of selecting a Chief Executive Officer, President was the term used in the early 20th century, and a means of choosing the best qualified individual for the position was needed. A Congressional Committee was appointed to solve the problem. Acting on the advice of top scientific advisors, The Candidate Qualification and Selection System was conceived. This national network of computers, with terminals in all major cities, was activated in 2145. Anyone interested in becoming president can make their application at one of these terminals and proceed to take the five tests to qualify. As you can see, the best man for the job, has the best chance of getting it. This new system put an end to the "popularity contest" stigma previously attached to high office. The tests are in the following areas: CATEGORY << UNREGISTERED DOOR >> # OF QUESTIONS ** ADDITIONAL SCORING --------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------ 1- Physical / Bio Science Varies, default=5 TIME BONUS ADDED 2- Astronomy / Physics Varies, default=5 TIME BONUS ADDED 3- General Knowledge Varies, default=5 TIME BONUS ADDED 4- Computer Science / History Varies, default=5 TIME BONUS ADDED 5- 20th Century Political History Varies, default=5 TIME BONUS ADDED As you can see, being President in the year 2151 is a different job indeed! Any candidate who scores higher than any of the top ten names, will then be added to the list of top applicants. The top scorer will become president. If two or more candidates tie for top score, the NEWEST candidate will be- come president, the previous president will become vice president and so on down the the chain of command. Others will be given positions according to their scores. Presidents remain in office until their score is beaten. The Game -------- The object of this simulation is, of course, to become president and remain there as long as possible. As others better your score, you will be forced down the chain of command. You may play only once per day. Points received today will add to your total score tommorow and so on. Questions are given in random order and selected from a large database. Don't expect to see the same question very often. You MUST answer at least one question from any of the groups to be added to the list of active candidates. Proceed to the the Qualifications screen and select the first test category. The maximum time to answer each question can be varied by the System Operator (SYSOP) Your scores will be posted during play but, your position will not be made public until AFTER you leave the door. You will see your position in the chain of command next time you play or posted in score bulletins on the BBS Page 9 ** SCORES are computed in the following manor: Points awarded per question = 100 \ by NUMBER OF QUESTIONS GIVEN + MAXIMUM TIME TO ANSWER - TIME REMAINING TO ANSWER \ 5. For example: If the total number of questions for category #1 is 10, and the maximum time to answer each one is 120 seconds, and you took 30 seconds to answer the question, then: YOUR SCORE = (100 \ 10) + (120 - 30) \ 5 (10) + (90) \ 5 (100) \ 5 = 20 points The quicker you answer, the more points awarded. This can help you stay ahead of the other candidates. But don't answer to fast! No points are awarded for wrong answers! This plus the fact you won't know just where you placed until the next day (maybe the next player beat your score) is what keeps the game interesting. If this is a REGISTERED VERSION then the question databases are UNLIMITED! Your SYSOP can add and change questions at will. Un-registered versions come with 100 questions in each category and cannot be changed until registered. Un-registered versions will have the words "EVALUATION COPY" printed where the HOST SYSTEM is identified. If registered, the SYSOP may create ANY catagories he chooses. You may be able to find different question sets and catagories on other BBS systems. Throughout the game, the callers remaining time is shown to him at screen bottom. This is the callers TOTAL time left both in the game and the BBS. Problems and Errors ------------------- 2151 has been tested on many BBS systems and platforms and all the major bugs have been worked out. This being the case, we are only expecting a minor bug or three to surface at this point. Remember, there is no such thing as "bug free software" Even programs that have been run for years will show a problem now and then. If you do find a bug, please inform me ASAP so we can correct it. Include your computer type, memory available to 2151 at runtime, hard drive type/size, monitor and so on. Make sure you include the type of BBS software your using and the version number. A "bug report" form is included here for this use. If you don't wish to mail it, then place it in a text file and upload it to our support BBS. NOTE: Because of the many types of BBS software we have to support, not all of the user information seen when pressing F2 will appear with all BBS systems. Only DOOR.SYS BBSs will see ALL user information. This is a courtesy function anyway and I don't think it will bother you all that much. Page 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUG REPORT FORM 2151 Version 1.1b Release date: 4/1/92 What went wrong? ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Was the error recorded in the node's error log? Yes __ No__ If YES, what was the error? ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Tell us about your system: Computer Manufacturer _________________ CPU speed ___ Mhz Type 80-_______ Video: MONO__ CGA__ EGA__ VGA__ Total Memory ___ megs DOS Ver___ Memory available to 2151 ____ K Hard Drive: Size ___ megs Interface MFM__ RLL__ ESDI__ SCSI__ ARLL_ BBS Software ________________________________ Version______________ Shell or Terminate to doors? _______ If shell, memory left =_____ K COM Port(s) Used _________ Modem Type ______________ Max BAUD ____ Is DTE Locked? _____ If yes, what speed? ______baud Multi Node? _ If multi node, describe setup, multi task / slave cards / Network... ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 11 Thanks for taking the time to fill out the bug report. Please mail to: JEMSOFT DATA MANAGEMENT Or call the JEMSOFT support BBS C/O INFO-NET at 609-628-4311 24hrs Robert J. Fehn 1200 / 2400 / 9600 baud. Access 43 Mockingbird Lane on the first call, special area Petersburg NJ 08270 for registered JEMSOFT customers More on errors: Any errors that happen during program operation are written to an error file in the program's directory. This file is named NODE_x.ERR where the x is the node number the error occured on. If a single node system, this file will be named: NODE_1.ERR. The file is standard text and contains plain english explanations, as well as error codes, date and time, and the name of the caller who was on line when the error occured. Because of the completeness of these files, error explanations will not be given in this document. Error codes follow the standard Basic format. If you are unable to resolve an error, call the support BBS and leave mail for the SYSOP. Include your data and voice phone numbers and we will get to you ASAP. * Registered users will receive priority if support is needed. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Registration >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To register 2151 and receive the Database Editor, KEY file, and free lifetime upgrades, fill out REGISTER.FRM, and send it along with $20.00 US check or money order to: JEMSOFT DATA MANAGEMENT C/O Robert J. Fehn 43 Mockingbird Lane Petersburg NJ 08270 Make checks payable to: Robert J. Fehn Be sure to indicate how you would like to receive the software on the registration form. * Please allow two weeks for your software to arrive * Page 12 Technical Information on JEMSOFT doors -------------------------------------- All JEMSOFT doors support color or mono callers. This information is read from the BBS door info file at startup. This does not mean non ANSI calls are supported. The caller must have a terminal program that supports ANSI or have the ANSI.SYS driver loaded on their system. These doors rely on ANSI cursor positioning and screen control codes even if not in color mode. No effort has been made to support non ANSI callers since most will not fall into this category. Local screens are produced by loading memory image graphics files that match -EXACTLY- what the caller is seeing but with instant display on the local monitor. Please do not alter any of the display or instruction files included with this door. To do so will most certainly be considered a violation of JEMSOFT's copyright and we don't want that mess do we? Besides, altering these files may cause unexpected results. JEMSOFT doors are written using MS Quick Basic Professional. We feel QB is a great medium for this type of programming and offers most of the flexibility and structuring required for a good, clean, program. All of our doors support COM 1 through 4 as already mentioned. Support for true network compatiblity is being finalized as of this writting and will provide full file and record locking function. This will allow any nunber of callers into the game at once. This program has been tested using DOS versions 3.0 through 5.0. (3.3 or higher required for COM3 and COM4) JEMSOFT doors were originally written to support Wildcat! BBS systems but have been upgraded to support most other popular BBS software as well. If your BBS software is not DIRECTLY supported, send us the format, name and file structure of your software's door info file and we will add it into the programs. We depend on YOU for suggestions, comments etc. If you have an idea for a door and nobody is listening, let us know. If we use it, we will provide you with free lifetime registration of the completed product as well as credit in the docs as a contributing source. CREDITS: * QBserial Driver Version 2.10 is copyright (c) 1992 Jeff Sumberg * * Portions of 2151 are copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1988 - 1992 * * IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Inc * * Wildcat! is a registered trademark of Mustang Software Inc. * * PCBoard is a registered trademark of Clark Development Company * * PKZIP, PKUNZIP are registered trademarks of PKWARE Inc. * * Special Thanks to Betsey Herbicek Fehn Technical Consultant/Editor * This program is distributed as "SHAREWARE" It is not public domain. You may use this program for a period of 30 DAYS without registering it. If after 30 DAYS, you wish to continue use, the program MUST be registered. If you do not wish to register the program after the 30 day trial period then it MUST be taken out of service. You are free, infact, encouraged, to distribute this program UNALTERED in the original archive to any, and all BBS systems and shareware distributers. You may NOT distribute the REGISTERED version to anyone. To do so would be a violation of the law. Page 13 WARRANTY / LEGAL INFORMATION ---------------------------- The "SHAREWARE" version of this program comes "as is" and NO warranty is made or implied as to fitness for any particular purpose. This product is NOT guarranted to be "bug free" or to operate in any manor other than discribed in this documentation. The program's author, and JEMSOFT DATA MANAGEMENT shall not be held responsible for undesirable operation, loss of data, down time, or any damages caused by this product either direct, indirect, real or consequencial. The REGISTERED version of this product comes with it's own limited warranty which applies -ONLY- to registered copies of the software. By using this product you agree to the terms and conditions setforth herein. You may not alter, modify, decompile, tamper with, or reverse engineer this software product in any manor. All of the materials included with this product with the exception of any runtime modules or libraries shall remain the exclusive property of JEMSOFT DATA MANAGEMENT or, its subsidaries. All materials contained in this archive are protected under U.S. and International Copyright Laws. Violation of the terms of this agreement shall be considered violation of these laws. The original archive, 2151.ZIP, MUST be distributed without any changes, deletions, or additions without exception unless authorized by JEMSOFT. This agreement is covered by the laws of the State of New Jersey. (c) 1992 JEMSOFT DATA MANAGEMENT Files contained in the archive: 17 FILE FILE FILE ------------ ------------ ------------ 2151.EXE OPENING.GFX 2151.KEY 2151INST.EXE PASTPRES.DAT SYSOP.TXT INSCRN.ASC QUESET1.DBF WELFLAG.ANS NIGHT.ANS QUESET2.DBF WELFLAG.GFX NIGHT.GFX QUESET3.DBF READ_ME!.1ST OPENING.ANS QUESET4.DBF REGISTER.FRM CATEGORY.DAT QUESET5.DBF ------------ Special thanks go out to Jeff Sumberg for QBserial, just about the best communications driver around! If your interested in QBserial, call the "Sailboard" at 201-831-8152. * (c) Copyright on 2151 is held by JEMSOFT DATA MANAGEMENT 1991 - 1992 * * All Rights Reserved * Page 14 Overview of ALL Possible ERRORS ------------------------------- 3 Return without GoSub 56 Field Statement active 4 Out of Data 57 Device I/O error 5 Illegal Function Call 58 File already exists 6 Overflow 59 Bad Record length 7 Out Of Memory 61 Disk Full 9 Subscript out of range 62 Input past end of file 11 Divide by zero 63 bad record number 14 Out of String Space 64 bad file name 16 String Formula Too Complex 67 too many files 19 No Resume 68 device unavailable 20 Resume without Error 69 Communications Buffer Overflow 24 Device Timeout 70 Permission Denied 25 Device Fault 71 disk not ready 27 Out of Paper 72 disk-media failure 39 Case Else expected 73 Advanced Feature Unavailable 40 Variable Required 74 Rename across disks 50 Field Overflow 75 path/file access error 51 Internal Error 76 path not found 52 Bad file name or number 53 File not found Many of these errors are explained in 54 Bad file mode more detail when written to the nodes 55 File already open NODE_x.ERR file. END