WishNet BRE League 19 Game Conference (WI_BRE) Moderator: Tom Williams Origin: The Treasure House BBS *-* Conference Guidelines *-* The purpose of this area is discussions relating to the WishNet BRE League 19 Game. This is where you can ask all your questions about problems, routing, joining the league, and also general game chatter. Please be advised, the following policies are in effect: - Please stay on topic. Messages not pertaining to this conference should be taken to the appropriate area, or to netmail. - No swearing, flaming or malicious insults. (No Exceptions) - No advertisements of products or bulletin boards are permitted. - Please type in a courteous manner using upper and lower case characters. Messages entered in all upper case is considered shouting. - Messages encouraging illegal activities (including, but not limited to, hacking, phreaking, software piracy etc.) are prohibited. - Let the moderator do the moderating. Don't try to moderate someone else, or you will end up receiving treatment equal to the offending party. The moderator reserves the right to determine the suitability of message content. If anyone is found breaking one or more of the conference rules, punitive actions will be taken, which can range from a simple warning to outright cutting of links. RULES FOR WISHNET BARREN REALMS ELITE LEAGUE 19 1. Participating nodes shall carry the WishNet BRE League 19 game discussion conference. (Tagname - WI_BRE) 2. Participating nodes shall carry the WishNet BRE League 19 file distribution echo. (Areaname - WISHGAME) 3. Participating nodes shall use the current version of BRE which will be distributed via the WishNet BRE League 19 file distribution echo. 4. Participating nodes shall enable dupe checking in the BRE RESOURCE.DAT file as described in the example file which will be distributed via the WishNet BRE League 19 file distribution echo. 5. Participating nodes shall poll their feed not less than once per day, to expidite results from recons etc. 6. Participating nodes shall run "BRE RESET", using all of the default settings, (except for starting date) and shall not start their game before 1/03/93. People who wish to use existing games must reset them to join the league, or start a second game for this league. [Node one will issue the reset on 1/3/93] 7. Participating players shall have only one account in the WishNet BRE League 19 Network. 8. Participating players shall not use swearing or profanity of any kind in game messages, or in the WishNet BRE League 19 game discussion conference. 9. Editing, or otherwise manipulating of BRE system files is prohibited, and grounds for removal from the league. 10. Participating nodes shall report any problems to their BRE Hub for forwarding to the BRE moderator. The moderator reserves the right to remove any player from any node. Decisions of the moderator are final. Tom Williams - WI_BRE Moderator ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game settings: 1) When you wish to start the game? Just press 3 times. 2) How many turns per day? 5 3) How many turns of protection? 20 4) How much land do you want in the market at the beginning? 100 5) How much land do you want created per day? 200 6) How much Daily Bank Interest? 15 7) How high Planetary Taxes? 65 8) How many days between turns? 1 In your resource.dat file set the following strings: Minoutboundtime 12 checkdupes true