CARIBBEAN CONTRABAND Created By Michael Goetz Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 All Rights Reserved 09/25/92 v2.7 -------------- - Recompiled under new CKit Release...fixes a few minor Communication problems. Displays Majic's New Support BBS .... The Caverns EBBS! Credit Card Registrations are Now accepted via ONLINE REGISTRATION DOOR at The Caverns EBBS (407-521-9886). 02/22/92 v2.6 -------------- - Increased maximum system file path field length (via CCSETUP.EXE) from 29 to 35 characters. Hopefully this will suffice all those extra long paths!! 01/01/92 v2.5 -------------- - Increased the system file path (via CCSETUP.EXE, line 1) field length from 24 to 29 characters. 11/28/91 v2.4 -------------- - The text display, when used with various BBS Software, was not positioning itself properly -- fixed. - Added the ability to specify (via CCSETUP.EXE) different file names and paths for the Non-Graphic and Graphic (color) bulletins. - Now accepting Credit Card Registrations via ONLINE REGISTRATION DOOR at The Speakeasy BBS (407-291-4626) or via Registration Form. See REGISTER.FRM for further details. 10/14/91 v2.3 -------------- - Fixed bug discovered by the users at The Godfather BBS that would allow player to overflow the 'BUY', 'SELL', 'DEPOSIT', buffer. - When paying 'DEBT', the game would allow you to overpay... fixed. - Zip file now contains description file from PCBDESCRIBE which, if implemented by BBS, will ignore uploaders description and use the description from file. PCBoard 14.5a systems only! - 10/15/91 Fixed 'WITHDRAW' bug. 09/09/91 v2.2 -------------- - Fixed a problem when used with a FOSSIL Driver. Door would exit saying that users "Time has expired". - Fixed a problem if door was entered in Non-Graphics mode. Door would display in Graphics (color) mode. - Removed most of the beeps that were sounded during the play of the game (during SEARCHES, ATTACKS, etc.). - Removed "No Sound" feature from CCSETUP.EXE. (No longer needed!) - Added support for MBBS software (PCBoard clone). 08/22/91 v2.1 -------------- - Recompiled using latest release of CKIT modem routine library which fixed problem with non-standard port setup. - Now when the SOUND feature is turned OFF via CCSETUP, beeps will still be heard by the remote user. Only the beeps on the local console will be filtered. (SOUND swith for REGISTERED copies ONLY). 07/12/91 v2.0 -------------- - Number of Plays per Game are now SysOp configurable as well as Number of Games allowed per user per day. (REGISTERED COPY ONLY * Non-registered version has fixed amounts). - Sound can now be turned off via the configuration file (CARIB.CFG) with REGISTERED copy. - Creating multiple configuration files (CARIBx.CFG) is now much easier via CCSETUP.EXE, which will now accept a file name as an argument (See docs for more information). - Added support for Non-Standard Comm. Port and IRQ as well as support for FOSSIL drivers. - Some new surpises during game play! Of course, you'll need to discover these on your own! :-) 06/16/91 v1.1 --------------- - Minor bug fixes to v1.0 06/06/91 v1.0 --------------- - First Release of Caribbean Contraband