Electronic Chess Association (ECA) (c)1993 KnightWare All Rights Reserved * Contacts * KnightWare P.O. Box 464711 Lawrenceville, GA 30246 Atlanta Chess BBS Atlanta, Ga exchg. (404) 978-2893 14.4 24 hrs CompuServe : 71520,1316 ХНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННё і і і Memberships now being Accepted! і і і і Startup Date: Feb 1, 1993 і і і ФНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННѕ ХНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННё і What is the ECA? і ФНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННѕ The ECA, Electronic Chess Association, is being established to provide chess players an alternative to Over the Board chess and Postal chess. EC or electronic chess, provides the convenience of playing from your own home. You can send and receive your moves electronically, which can provide a much faster paced game than postal chess without losing the quality of the game. You simply don't have the postal delivery wait time of the moves. Also you don't have to drag out the pieces or use Post-A-Logs, as the game position is always maintained for you on you PC. Once transmitted electronically, the moves are immediately available to your opponent. Normally, the default period per move is 10 days, but you could move daily if you preferred. As you see this makes for a much more rapid game than postal chess. You can take as much of the 10 days as you'ld like per move, if you prefer a slower pace. A national ECA rating will be established and provided for each Member. This rating will be similar to the one established by the United States Federation. The ECA will make available to its members, the current ECA rating list that provides ratings of all the members. Also, if you have a published USCF rating, you may use this as your starting rating, otherwise all members start out with a provisional rating of 1500. Just provide ECA/KnightWare your current USCF id and rating if you wish to use your USCF rating as a starting point. The ECA can pair you with an opponent, or you may challenge an opponent directly. Player addresses (required for challenging a player) can be located in the ECA Rating List. The current ECA Rating List is available at all times to members. Also ECA will provide an electronic ECA Chess Magazine, available to all members, that will provide information concerning activities, special interests, games, and other ECA chess related topics. * The ECA Rules and Regulations are also available online. * ХНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННё і ECA Media Requirements і ФНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННѕ A PC compatible computer and a modem is required in connecting to the ECA database. You simply dial in and upload/download your chess mail. This process is very fast and can normally be accomplished in less than 2 minutes. The ECA software, distributed to you with your paid membership, takes care of all the rest. ChessMAGIC! is the required software to play the games. The ECA net software interfaces directly with ChessMAGIC! and is distributed free upon receipt of the ECA membership fee. ХНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННё і ECA - How Does it Work? і ФНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННѕ A special Game Area is created by the network software in the ChessMAGIC! database. All ECA games will take place in this area. On a BBS, only ECA members can start or play games in this area as they normally would. Non-ECA members players may go into this area and view games, but are not permitted to participate in any games themselves. On a interval basis, the sysop or single user can determine the frequency, the ECA software will create a mail packet of all games requiring new opponents, and games where moves have been made. You dial into our central hub, Atlanta Chess BBS and upload your mail packet. We process the packet and make the games available for distribution to the respective receiving ECA members. We pair new games on a First In First Out method. You are assured that a player from your BBS will not be paired to a player on your BBS. Also if there is a mail packet for you, you will be notifed so as to download it. You then use the ECA software to merge the newly received game packet in the ChessMAGIC! ECA game area. Once this has been completed, the game play is continued as normal. ХНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННё і ECA Features Summary і ФНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННѕ - Establish Permanent ECA ratings - Ratings are updated immediately after receiving a game packet - Play as many games as you like - Organized tournaments with cash prizes - Play from the convenience of your own home - Statistical reports - Play participating players all over the US and outside of the US - All the features available in ChessMAGIC! and supporting products - ECA Rating/ID List of all players - Challenge any Player on the ECA Rating/ID List (or if prefer let ECA pair you with another player) - ECA Chess Magazine - Software available in ANSI or EGA graphics - All games are archived at the ECA - Send/Receive messages from your opponent ХНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННё і ECA Membership Descriptions і ФНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННѕ There are basically two types of memberships, 1) Single and 2) BBS Group. Single Membership ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД The single membership is for non-BBS participating individuals. You communicate directly with the ECA and all the ECA required software resides on your personal computer. ChessMAGIC! is distributed in a special version that provides local play only. BBS Group Membership ДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДДД This provides an economical way of participating in the ECA. Your local BBS obtains a yearly subscription, thus enabling all the BBS members access to the ECA. The Sysop reserves the right to govern access to the ECA feature. Each BBS can charge yearly dues for this activity to the participating BBS member, in defraying the phone expense or for profitability. It does require the BBS to be a registered ChessMAGIC! owner. SYSOPS : Upon registering ChessMAGIC!, you receive a free ECA membership. The Group Membership only applies, if others on your BBS wish to participate in the ECA. If a BBS decides to discontinue ECA services, whether it has shut down or for any other reason, those BBS members participating in the ECA, may elect to continue utilizing the Single Membership. This membership will be free for the remaining of that calendar year. Following that year, you will be required to subscribe to the ECA. ХНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННё і ECA Membership Subscription Rates і ФНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННѕ Single Rate $ 15.00 per year * BBS Group Rate $ 40.00 per year * Requires a registered version of ChessMAGIC! If the BBS does not own a registered copy of ChessMAGIC!, you may purchase it at a special rate in conjunction with an ECA Group Membership. It provides the basic ChessMAGIC! 2 node version at 50% off of the current list price. SPECIAL-> Those subscribing before May 14, 1993, will be never have any higher rates than listed above. This insures you that you never have to subscribe at a higher rate, as long as you keep your membership active. * * Rates are subject to change * * ЙНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННН» є VISA/MC/AMEX/DISCOVER Online Memberships є ИННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННј ECA Memberships may be accomplished online at the Atlanta Chess BBS. Using a modem, dial (404) 978-2893. After entering the BBS, from the main menu enter OPEN and press <ENTER>. Select Online Credit Card Registrations, then follow the instructions provided by the software. Be sure to check File Area 1 for the latest software versions! ХНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННё і MAIL-IN ORDER FORM (check or money orders) і ФНННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННННѕ Make Checks Payable to: KnightWare Attn: ECA P.O. Box 464711 Lawrenceville, GA 30246 Your Name ________________________________ Phone ________________________________ (Voice) Address ________________________________ Address ________________________________ City ________________ State ____ ZIP ______________ BBS Name ________________________________ No. of Nodes ________ BBS Software ________________________________ BBS Number(s) ______________________________________________________ PRODUCT QUANTITY PRICE EA. TOTAL PRICE --------------------------- -------- --------- ----------- Single 1 yr Membership ________ x $ 15.00 = ___________ BBS Group Membership ________ x $ 40.00 = ___________ BBS Group Membership and ChessMAGIC! 2 node system ________ x $ 55.00 = ___________ Sub-Total ___________ Shipping & Handling $ 5.00 TOTAL =========== Media: [ ] 5-1/4" 360 [ ] 5-1/4" 1.2 [ ] 3-1/2" 720 [ ] 3-1/2" 1.4