ةححححححححححححححححححرححححححححححححححرحححححححححححححححححححححححرححححححححححححح» ؛ غغككككغ ³ All Software ³ ProTem University BBS ³ Fido-Net ؛ ؛ غغـ ³ Available as ³ Official Support Site ³ 1:280/7 ؛ ؛ غغغ ALIBER ³ of June 10 ³ (816) 429-1751 V32bis ³ Door-Net ؛ ؛ غغغـــغ Software ³ 1992 ³ Download First Call ³ 75:7816/2 ؛ بححححححححححححححححححدححححححححححححححدحححححححححححححححححححححححدححححححححححححح¼ ةححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححح» ؛ Software available from Caliber Software of June 10, 1992 ؛ ؛ ProTem University BBS: (816)429-1751 1:280/71 FidoNet 75:7816/2 DoorNet ؛ جححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححح¹ ؛ All files are Freeware or Shareware. The prices refer to registration ؛ ؛ costs. You may download and evaluate at your leisure before registering. ؛ ؛ ؛ ؛ All DOORS are multi-node aware, work with or without a fossile, support ؛ ؛ locked com ports, use thoughtful ANSI, and support DORINFOx.DEF & DOOR.SYS. ؛ ؛ ؛ ؛ Call ProTem University BBS to see these programs in action! Go to the ؛ ؛ Caliber menu located just off the Commons (Main Menu). ؛ جححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححح¹ ؛ Name FREQ $Reg Description ؛ بححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححح¼ Allfiles.Zip ALLFILES --- File listing of all programs available on ProTem & FILES University BBS. Caliber.Txt CALIBER --- Current list of all available Caliber Software files that can be FREQ'd or DLed from ProTem University BBS. (816) 429-1751 1:280/71 FidoNet 75:7816/2 DoorNet. Doordrop.Zip DOORDROP --- File specifacations for DORINFOx.DEF, DOOR.SYS, and PCBOARD.SYS door drop file formats. Helpful in developing DOOR programs. DosClr10.Zip DOSCOLOR --- This program uses ANSI codes to change your DOS colors to whatever you wish them to be. Useful to put in .BAT files after programs that change your DOS's colors, or to just have handy. ECRank11.Zip ECRANK --- Creates Player Rankings for Esterian Conquest 1.1. Bulletins created are in ANSI and ASCII, show percentages of ownership, and compare current values to the values of the previous stardate. SYSOP configurable paths and colors. Ffm120.Zip FFM $5 Have you ever wanted to delete all .BAK files on your HD? Or see how many files > 1,000,000 bytes? How about issuing a single command to copy a lost file to a directory without having to manually search for it? FFM is your solution. File Find/Manipulater. Finds all file on a drive. Can match files by file name/file masks, file size (smaller, equal to, or larger than), date (earlier, equal to, or later than) file attributes (System, hidden, archive, read-only) or ANY combonation of these. Can view, delete, copy, move, or execute matching files. MANY more features not described here. And I do mean MANY... Fast!! Grue110.Zip GRUESOME $5 Hunt the dreaded Grue! Based on the Hunt the Wumpas game. Enter a catacomb with limited arrows, rooms full of bats, bottemless pits, and the Grue. Simple but enjoyable DOOR game. Kng110.Zip KINGDOM $10 BBS DOOR or stand alone game. The old classic game comes to the world of BBSing. Players plant land, feed people, and trade land to develope the biggest Kingdom possible in their 50 year reign as King. Make the biggest Kingdom on the BBS. Obs101.Zip OBS $10 Two player board DOOR game. Try to push all your tiles up before you opponet does. Push their tiles down to slow 'em down. As the name implies, you will become OBSESSED! ObsEdit.Exe OBSEDIT --- Updated OBSEDIT to fix the problem with the one included in OBS100.ZIP. Other20.Zip OTHER $10 Package of handy DOS utilities. DELete Other, DIRectory Other, COPY Other, and MOVE Other. Performs DOS functions on all file except thos that you specify on the command line. For example: DELO *.ZIP FILES.BBS to delete all files in a direcotory exept FILES.BBS and any .ZIP file. Manu options. VERY HANDY for those who do a lot of file maintenace. Plus20.Zip PLUS --- Package of hadny DOS utilities. DELete PLUS, DIRectory PLUS, COPY PLUS, and MOVE PLUS. Perform DOS functions with multiple file masks and better error checking. This is what DOS commands SHOULD be able to do. PU1.EXE CHHER --- Great animatated advertisement of ProTem University BBS's famous Cheerleaders. PU!.EXE PUAD --- Full 255 color animated hi-res advertisement for ProTem University BBS. PUCheer1.Gif CHEER2 --- GIF format file of ProTem University's famous Cheerleaders. QMkr10.Zip QUOTE --- Reads from a pool of quotes which you make and directs output to a file (Useful for BBS display files) or to the screen (Nice to dress up auto- exec.bat files) IDEAL for BBS's that do not have a quote of the day function. I use for my Remote Access BBS. Send20.zip SEND $5 Send message or text file to a remote user from DOS prompt or .BAT files. VERY handy for SYSOPs to send text to user from a drop to DOS without having to return to the BBS, type your message, and exit back to DOS. Can also be used to send messages to user before opening a door from the calling .BAT file. A MUST GET for SYSOPs! غغغغغغغغغـ غغغغغغغغغـ ـغغغغـ ـغغغغغغغغـ ـغغغغغغغغغغ ـغـ ـغـ غغغ كغف غغغ كغف ـغك كغـ قغغف غغغ غغغغـ ــغغغغ غغغ ـغف غغغ ـغف غف قغ قغغف غغغ غغغغغغغغغغغغغ غغغغغغغغغك غغغغغغغغغك كغـ ـغك قغغف غغغغغغغـــ غغغ ككغغككغغغ غغغ غغغ غغـ كغغغغك غغ غغغ ككك غغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ قغف (816) 429-1751 كغغـــ غغغ غغغ غغغ قغف ك 1:280/71 Fido 75:7816/2 Door كككغغغـ غغغ غغغ غغغ كةحححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححح» ك غغغ قغف غ؛ 24 Hours a day - V32bis 96/24/12/300 Bps ؛غ قغف ك °±غغغ؛ Member FidoNet, DoorNet, TDS Distribution Net ؛غغغ°² ك °±غغغ°±غ غ؛ The ONLY BBS with its own cheerleading team! ؛غغغ°²غغ°² ـ °±غغ\ غغ؛ Home and Support Site for Caliber Software ؛غغ /غغ°² ـ غغف ـ غ؛ Freq CALIBER for latest list of magic names... ؛غ ـ قغغ غغف قغغ ـغـ ـ بحححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححححح¼ ـــغغ غغف قغغ غغف قغغ غغغغـغغ ــ Everything a University SHOULD be, ــ غغغغغ غغف قغغ غغف قغغ غغغكغغغ كغغغغــ and more... ــغغغكك غغغ غغف قغغ غغف قغغ غغغ غغغ غغغكك كغ ـ ـــ ككغغغ غغغ غغغـغغ غغف قغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ غ غك ـغغغغـ غغككككـ ـكك ك غغغ غغغ غغغغك غغف قغغ غغغ غغغ غغغ كغ غك غغــ غغــــغ كـــككـ غغغ غغغ كغغغ كغغـغغك غغغ غغغ ـغغغـ كغغ غغــــ غغ كـ ـ غ ـغغغـ غغغ غغغ ككك ك ك ككككككك ك كككك كك ك ككككك ككككككك ك ك