Welcome to FAXEM

 FAXEM will automatically set up an account for you.  Using FAXEM
 you may FAX any ASCII document to a local FAX machine, FREE!

 If you wish to FAX long distance, you must apply for Long Distance
 access.  A minimum pre-payment of $10.00 will establish Long Distance
 access with 5 credits.  A "credit" is a page.  The door automatically
 keeps track of your credits, and will not allow you to fax long distance
 if you run out.

 Should you exceed your prepaid page limit, the door will suspend your
 FAXing privileges until you pay your outstanding balance.  Overdue
 accounts will find their BBS access adjusted.

 FAXEM can Fax standard ASCII files, like those created with a text
 editor like Qedit.  If you are using a wordprocessor, you should save
 your file in ASCII format.

 FAXEM sends a short covering letter, indicating who the Fax should be
 delivered to, who the Fax is from, and today's date.  This does count as
 a page that can be charged against you if you do Long Distance faxing.

 The steps involved to send a FAX are:

 1) Upload the file you wish to be FAXed.  This file must be in ASCII

 2) Enter a phone number where you wish to send the fax.

 3) FAXEM will actually exit and send your Fax while you wait.  Please
    be PATIENT!  Once the Fax has completed its duties, you will be advised
    of the transfer status, your personal account will be updated, and any
    leftover files will be deleted.  At this point, you are back in the door
    and may upload another file to FAX or Quit back to the BBS.

 I hope you'll enjoy this new service.  Another feature for members of
 The Beckett BBS, Your Doorway to Adventure!