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UPDATES TO ALL MSI-ISSUED SUPPORT FILES ARE CONTAINED IN YOU DISK PACKAGE. BE CERTAIN TO OBTAIN UPGRADES TO ANY 3RD PARTY UTILITIES THAT MODIFY THE MESSAGE DATABASE PRIOR TO OPERATING THEM WITH WILDCAT! v3.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v3.50 NEW FEATURE LIST The following is a list of changes in v3.5 (from v3.02). A number of these new fetures require documentation of their operation. Please read and then print this file (READ.ME) to add to your manual as a reference to these new features. MKWCTEXT -------- - Added the ability to export and import ASCII versions of text prompts. This allows editing the prompts outside of MKWCTEXT by first EXPORTING and then placing the ASCII file that is generated into a plain ASCII editor. The file format is very simple, but MUST be maintained during editing. Each prompt is written to a separate line in the file. (If there are 782 prompts in WILDCAT! the export file will have 782 lines). Prompts that take up more than one line within MKWCTEXT are written out as a single line with the CR/LF combination shown in the ASCII file by the 4 text characters ^M^J. Prompt lines in the ASCII file will often exceed the width of a screen and must not be word-wrapped to the next line while editing. After editing is complete the file must remain at the same number of lines, and can then be IMPORTED using MKWCTEXT. - Added the ability to change the message text color by editing a single prompt (#80). - Can now supply filename on command line and it will be loaded automatically if it exists. The command line format is: MKWCTEXT FRENCH.DAT MAKEQUES -------- - The Date/Time formats now use the same formats as in MAKEWILD.DAT. If the MAKEWILD.DAT file is not found then the format is generated from the DOS country code information for international support. - Added new option 'required' to appropriate question fields. If this option is selected for any questions, the caller is required to enter an answer of some type to the question before he can continue. - 'Yes/No Branch' as a question type now allows altering the user fileds that can be set to yes/no choices such as Color, Erase More, HotKey. - The two-letter answers to the state question type are now forced upper case. WCTEXT ------ - The prompt file has been completely redone and now contains all internal WILDCAT! text. Users must use the new file and no upgrade is possible. See the section on MKWCTEXT regarding importing ASCII version of the text for conversions. In addition, there may be a 3rd party utility available to help change prompts (at least one was in development at the time of the initial 3.50 release in June '92). WCRENUM ------- - Added /A switch to renumber all conferences. - Changed so it doesn't abort if a conference doesn't exist and instead goes along to the next conference to renumber. - Modified to generate the new 3.5 keys (see info on changes to the message threading which altered the index structure with this release). WCREPAIR -------- - Now correctly rebuilds data files with 10070 errors in them. Some user data will be lost during this type of repair, but the database will be correctly rejuvinated. - Now allows editing of No300Baud, No1200Baud, and No2400Baud flags in nodeinfo file. - Now turns mouse off during rebuilds. - Changed message rebuild to support 3.5 message thread keys. WCPRO (for those who have purchased it separately) ----- - Prevents deletion of users with the Never Delete flag set. - The OnCD and stored paths are now handled as per Wildcat 3.5. - Expire date forward and memo date forward now move the user's expire or memo date forward X days *IF* they currently have a date set in that field. If there is no date in the field then the date is set forward X days from TODAY. - Due to the fact that users can now have an external protocol as their default, all current USER MATCH (.PUM) files will have to be updated to include external protocols. Go into Users/Match, load each .PUM file, go down to the Protocols section, and turn on all the external protocols. Don't forget to save the .PUM files! TOMCAT ------ - Cleaned up prompt that occurs when downloading a prescanned packet or one that was saved because of an aborted download. - Added a "Newsletter updated: Yes" line when new newsletter is included. - Added interpretation of @ IFSEC=xxxxx @ constructs to match Wildcat (see explanation of new constructs below). - New flag in user record prevents name from being added to Tomcat's network user database. - The TOMCAT swap file is now placed in the node directory and is NOT hidden. - Auto logoff is now indicated on protocol window when selected. - All login display files in WILDCAT! are now supported. - Added a new remote configuration command to select "YOUR" mail in specific conferences. - F7 and F8 now work to add/remove time as in WILDCAT!. - There is now a propeller on the new files scan line. - New files file (NEWFILES.DAT) is now colorized. - External protocols are now supported (bidirectional, too). - Local callers are no longer kicked off for 5 minutes inactivity. - TOMCAT.BBS is now displayed from the user's current conference display directory, not conference 0. - Tomcat now drops DTR when hanging up and does not raise it again. - The goodbye file display now has a pause to let it get out the modem. - No longer lists "scan-failed" files in NEWFILES.DAT. - Fixed a problem with the [Q]uit option on main menu when a prescan file was present. - The space bar now aborts display files. - Added /OVERWRITE and /RENAME options for local packet operation. - If WCPORTID=0, then local operation is forced (like Wildcat). - Opening screen is now displayed without color as per user record. - Local operation is now displayed without color as per user record. - Added TCTEXT.DAT support. The prompt files can be edited with MKWCTEXT exactly like WILDCAT! - Added support for file attachments. - Added DSZLOG support for bidirectional protocols TNet ---- - Added support for new message indexing. - Added support to send attached files. WCFILE ------ - Added a new command line switch /5 which enables different handling of the ON CD-ROM flag for WC3.5. With previous versions, ON-CDROM was set and only set if the file was indirect. Now you can specify it. - Added a new command line switch /R which allows setting the ON CD-ROM flag from the command line. - The update existing files switch is now /F - freshen not /C which is used to force a color display mode. - Files with short descriptions will not have those descriptions placed in the extended description if they entirely fit in the short description. - WCFILE will create ALLFILES.DAT if it doesn't exist MAKEWILD -------- - Removed the cost per minute field in security profiles, this feature won't be supported until Wildcat 4.0 due to the numerous areas that affect time online. Additional controls are required to successfully implemnt this feature. - Added wildcard search by INDEX option on General Information 3. This new option can be set to Y or N. Prior releases always performed wildcard file searches by first looking to DOS for filenames that match the criteria, and then looking up the information using the internal file database. If this option is set to Y, all file searches are made using the internal file database index keys from the beginning, rather than looking to DOS first to limit the amount of database activity. The reason for the change is to allow searching for files on CD when the 0-byte file method is not used, avoiding a DOS search of the actual CD ROM disk. Unless you are making use of CDs that are being read directly, you may want to leave this option set to the default of N, since using the indexes alone is slower. 11. Use file indexes for wildcard searches : N - Added option to copy files from CDROM for file transfers on General Information 3. This new option can also be set Y or N. Prior releases always performed file transfers for CD ROM files by directly sending the file from the CD. Changing this option to Y results in a copy of the file to the node work directory prior to beginning the transfer. It is designed to allow use of CDs and CD changers that may be too slow for a direct download. It is only activated for files that are flagged as ON CD. The procedure sorts all requested files by drive letter and copies files from one drive at a time to the node work directory for transfer. 12. Copy files from CDROM on transfers : N Note that this option can require a large amount of disk space, especially on multiline systems. - Makewild now always stamps the current version number in the MWVERSION field in MAKEWILD.DAT. This is for internal tracking only. - The Menu char set field in a security profile now only accepts characters that are valid as DOS filenames. For example, the menu cannot be called MAIN*.BBS - Added global conference modify screen. This screen is accessed by pressing the GLOBAL key F3. This new function key allows cloning conference definitions and then making minor changes to create a new conference. You must first create the new conference with default information and then begin the F3 process. The operational aspects of the new screen makes use of two windows, one the conference to copy from and the second the conference(s) to copy to. Pressing F10 or clicking with the mouse performs the copy. - Added global security profile modify screen. This screen is accessed by pressing the GLOBAL key F3. This new function key allows cloning security profile definitions and then making minor changes to create a new security profile. You must first create the new profile with default information and then begin the F3 process. The operational aspects of the new screen makes use of two windows, one the profile to copy from and the second the profile(s) to copy to. Pressing F10 or clicking with the mouse performs the copy. - Increased the millisecond range on modem screen to support 0 - 65535 for ATI and other modems which bring carrier high before determining the connection type. The previous limit of 9999 only allowed delays of 9.9 seconds. - Renamed 1-10 line version from 'N' to 'M'. The previous designation of N (Network) is replaced with M (Multiline). This change is to avoid confusion about which releases can operate on a LAN (all are LAN capable). - Added the ability to save modem profiles from the modem profile edit screens via the F5 key. - Multiple baud result codes can now be listed in the modem result code fields in Makewild if they are separated with the | character. For example: 6. Verbal code for 9600: 9600|12000 7. Verbal code for 14400: 14400|16800 - Added force 8/N/1 option in Makewild. This option must be used by non-US sysops if they want users to be able to login with names containing extended characters. It disables 7/E/x logins. 9. Force callers to 8/N/1 : N The default of N should be used by most U.S. sysops. - Uploads/Downloads used to let you go over your time if you had enough time to start the download no matter how long it took except for HARD events. There is now an option in Makewild on General Information Part 3 that controls this behavior. 10. Allow file transfers over time limit : N WILDCAT ------- - Installed new Kermit protocol code. Sliding windows and 7/E/1 now fully implemented. - Deleting a file from the sysop menu now tries to delete file in all paths for the respective file area. This also will cause Wildcat to remove any 0 byte files. This code was also added to the overwritting upload code. NOTE - all @ codes are listed in this document with a space before and after the keyword to avoid interpretation during display. In use the space should not be used. i.e., remove these spaces--------- | | @ BAUD @ - Added @ BAUD @ to display current baud rate. - Added @ DLKLIMIT @ to display max daily download K limit. - Added @ DAYBYTES @ to display users daily download K. - Added @ PROTOCOL @ to display the users default protocol. - Added @ EXPDAYS @ to display days until user expires. - Added @ MAXRATIO @ to display max upload/download ratio. - Added @ KBLEFT @ to display K left that a user can download today. - Added @ MSGSLEFT @ to display # of messages user has entered. - Added @ COMPANY @ code to display company field of user record. - @ ACCBAL @ and @ NETBAL @ now display in $XX.XX format. - Added several new @ code constructs that allow creation of one display file that actually sends different messages, depending on security profile. The three new constructs are: @ IFSEC=PROFILE @ @ ELSE @ @ ENDIF @ @ IFSEC=PROFILE @ The construct @ IFSEC=PROFILE @ specifies that the text on the following lines should be sent ONLY if the security profile is equal to the profile name following the equal sign. All text is sent until an @ ELSE @ or an @ ENDIF @ is encountered. @ ELSE @ The construct @ ELSE @ specifies that the preceeding text sent to a specific security level is now completed, and that text following should be sent to all other callers that (those that are not at the previously specified level). Note that the text following @ ELSE @ is not sent to the security level specified in the original @ IFSEC= construct. @ ELSE @ must follow a single @ IFSEC= construct, and cannot be placed after an @ ENDIF @. @ ENDIF @ The construct @ ENDIF @ specifies that the preceeding text sent to a specific security level is now completed, and that the text following (if any) should be sent to everyone (including the level specified previusly), unless another @ IFSEC= construct is encountered. * These constructs are NOT activated in Menus for technical reasons. * ALL CONSTRUCTS MUST BE UPPER CASE, FLUSH LEFT AND ON A SEPARATE LINE, AND CANNOT HAVE ANY OTHER @ CODES OR TEXT ON THE SAME LINE! For example the following is a valid HELLOx.BBS file: --[SAMPLE DISPLAY FILE]------------------------------------------------ @ IFSEC=NEWUSER @ Hello @ FIRST @, your security level is NEWUSER and allows you to ... Bunch of text, seen only by users at NEWUSER level ... @ ENDIF @ @ IFSEC=FULLUSER @ Hello @ FIRST @, your security level is FULLUSER and allows you to ... Bunch of text, seen only by users at FULLUSER level ... @ ENDIF @ @ IFSEC=PEON @ Hello @ FIRST @, your security level is PEON and you can't do squat.. ... Bunch of text ... @ ENDIF @ This text is sent to ALL levels ... --[END OF SAMPLE DISPLAY FILE]------------------------------------------ The following is also a valid HELLOx.BBS file: --[SAMPLE DISPLAY FILE]------------------------------------------------ @ IFSEC=NEWUSER @ Hello @ FIRST @, your security level is NEWUSER and allows you to ... Bunch of text, seen only by users at NEWUSER level @ ELSE @ This text is seen by all levels EXCEPT NEWUSER ... @ ENDIF @ @ IFSEC=PEON @ This text is seen only by PEON level users ... @ ELSE @ This text is seen by all levels EXCEPT PEON @ ENDIF @ This text is sent to ALL levels --[END OF SAMPLE DISPLAY FILE]--------------------------------------------- * You cannot nest levels of IFSEC= constructs. * THE FOLLOWING IS NOT VALID: --[INCORRECT SAMPLE DISPLAY FILE]------------------------------------------ @ IFSEC=NEWUSER @ ... Bunch of text @ ELSE @ ... Bunch of text @ IFSEC=FULLUSER @ ... Bunch of text @ ELSE @ @ IFSEC=PEON @ ... Bunch of text @ ENDIF @ @ ENDIF @ @ ENDIF @ --[END OF INCORRECT SAMPLE DISPLAY FILE]-------------------------------- - Added activity logging for listing file areas, listing new files, search files, read messages, scan messages, and reading and listing of new personal mail at login, local uploads and downloads. - Free space on upload drive is now displayed before the upload begins. - Changed 'Your Settings' so that it won't wrap if someone has a huge number of upload/downloads and a huge number of upload/download K. If the upload/download K is greater then 9,999,999K then it displays '>9,999,999K'. (Note my example has commas while the actual display doesn't to conserve space) - Sysop name is now displayed in Fido Netmail sysop search. - [N]ode edit during entry of Fido based message will now also accept points. - Sysop search in Fido address mail entry now supports partial matches. - Points are displayed while reading messages. NOTE: There are only 13 spaces for the address to be displayed. If it comes out more than 13 spaces it is truncated. - Reworked the interface for entering netmail addresses: 1) If you enter a fido address (ex 210/12) at the prompt it will automatically accept the address. 2) If you do a sysop search and select YES for a sysop name the the system automatically accepts the address. 3) If the Zone, Net, and Node fields contain a valid address then either pressing A for accept or pressing return will cause the address to automatically be accepted. - Comment now has date/time stored in subject. If the date mode is configured to YYYY it will be truncated to YY for so that the date will fit correctly. - Changed the prompt for asking the name of a file to be uploaded to help users that don't want to enter descriptions before the upload. It now indicates that names are not required, but optional. - WILDCAT! now checks to make sure the user enteres a valid file name when the system asks them to RENAME an upload that was unacceptible under the original name. - The 'Enter xxx many files' prompt now generates xxx based on a users security profile. - Wildcat now indicates that the node is in an event (via the nodeinfo file) for both terminate and shelled events (previously, terminate events were not indicated). - Removed the 'ignore time' setting from the user setting. The current time keeping system can't handle such an option. This has also been removed from wcPRO! as well. - The Conference status line during the Message Reading and Message Scan function now automatically erases, similar to the file areas in the file section. - Wildcat wasn't flushing the user record to disk before Zip Viewer or Virus Checker and as a result, any changes made by the Viewer or Checker during the shell were overwritten upon return and lost. - Added an extra field to the USERINFO.DAT file. This field contains the date/time of the last 'New Files' the user did. This was added so people that use TERMINATE for doors/events won't lose this information when someone goes to a door. NOTE: Although the added field was placed at the end of the data file, this change may cause problems when running some utilities written for the previous version of USERINFO.DAT. Contact the authors if you have any utilities that have problems using this file. - In the message section, when P is pressed at the local console to print a message, the path must now contain either a valid device name or path, or the print function is cancelled. - The display file PRETEXT.BBS is now sent before Text File Search in file section per the manual. - When a user is marking files and goes over a limit, they are now told which file took them over the limit. Also, a continue prompt is now displayed after ALL warnings instead after each one. - The summary of marked files has been enhanced and now display bytes, time, total bytes, and total time, on a file by file basis. This change makes it easier for a user to decide what to remove if they are running out of time. - Added new prompting routines for [D]ownload from the file menu. These keep tabular totals as you enter files. - Added a new display file READFILE.BBS which is displayed when the [R]ead a text file is chosen. Its contents may be: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike, you may use this menu choice to view any file of interest, as long as it is a text file. To view compressed files use the [V]iew a compressed file command. To view a file, enter the filename desired. --------------------------------------------------------------------- - The ALT-# sysop logoff keys now wait until the user has seen the display screen before dropping dtr. - For the MAIN, MSG, FILE, and SYSOP help screens, WILDCAT! now first tries to display the file with the menu character defined in the users security profile added to the filename. (ex. MAIN1.HLP for a user with 1 in their menu set in the security profile) NOTE: This makes Wildcat match the manual. - The DOOR.SYS file is now created properly according to the latest specs. WILDCAT! now places daily download K in field 30 rather than total download K. - New users now have their INITIAL time limit set by their security profile setting. With the advent of being able to change security profiles and time limits in the questionnaire, the 'first call' time limit in MAKEWILD makes no sense and was removed. - When messages are entered into a conference that has been flagged as Fido Netmail, callers are now asked if they want the mail to go out as crash mail. The mail is then flagged as CRASH, and WildMail will disable this attribute if it has been told that crash is not available. - Altered the message name routines to handle messages addressed to individuals with more than one space between words. (SCOTT HUNTER) The excessive space is now removed and the message is sent. - The prompt for the TO field of a message now changes dynamically depending whether the conference is flagged PRIVATE ONLY. This allows for ENTER = ALL in public conferences and ENTER = Abort in private only conferences. - USERINFO.DAT is created and read back upon completion for all hooks such as VIEWCOMP.BAT, etc. The only exception is POSTCALL.BAT since a caller is not logged on the board at that time the batch is executed. - External protocols can now be set as a caller's default protocol. - Rewrote the code that lets user select file areas to list or search. The new code allows ENTER for selection of ALL areas. There is not room on the new prompt to list the [S|D|F] option for changing to single, double or full listing formats, but it remains an advanced option that is only listed in the help screens. - Added [H]elp to Sysop Node Management screen which calls a new help file NMAINT.HLP. - Added Ctrl-K and Ctrl-End commands to the full screen editor. Both perform a delete to end of line. - Free flaged files now display a 'F' instead of the '|' character in double line mode. Files flagged as free are available regardless of the K-byte or DL count, but respect the time limitiations. - The ordering of hello screens has changed. The new sequence is: HELLO1N, HELLO1, HELLO2N, HELLO2, HELLO3N, HELLO3. - Improved the new files prompt to allow more flexibility in file selection. The caller can now use [L]ast new (Date/Time), [O]ther date, or [D]ays old. - [V]iew from file listings now has some intelligence built-in and will not shell to VIEWCOMP.BAT for files that appear to be ASCII text based on their file extensions. The extensions '.TXT .DOC .ASC .ANS .SCR .BAS, .PAS .C' invoke the [R]ead a text file routine rather than the compressed file viewer. - The user record now supports conference lockout flags. - DTR and RTS are now raised after a DOS shell. Not doing so in prior releases was causing the modem to not respond after a communication package (like Qmodem) did a mail run from a event. - Swapping routines no longer use the hidden attribute on the swap file (WCSWAP.001). This was changed due to file access problems when users needed to delete or overwrite a orphaned swap file. - Multiuser chat now displays time limit warnings. - Local downloads now ask if you wish to overwrite a file if it already exists in the destination directory. - Support was added for the Omen Technology DSZ.LOG. The log file must be called DSZ.LOG and be placed in the node work directory. This feature allows support for protocols that create the log, including HS/Link. - Added wildcard support to BADKEYS, BADNAMES, BADALIAS AND BADFILES. You may now create a list with the following entries: BADFILES.LST BADNAMES.LST BADALIAS.LST BADKEYS.LST ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------- *.ARJ MSI* MSI* 1.* COMMAND.* SYSOP* SYSOP* 2.* EASY??.* WILDCAT* WILDCAT* 3.* - Marked files are now indicated on file list displays by an asterisk and the removal of the selection brackets. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1 BLUEH2O2.GIF 225,274 04/03/92 | BBS , in Texas 1.2 Gigs online!!! Dwnlds: 35 DL Time 00:00:00 | Great GIF picture [ 2] BLUTHUN.ANS 2,474 04/27/92 | AD FOR BLUE THUNDER BBS SWEETWATER Dwnlds: 22 DL Time 00:00:00 | TEXAS * 3 BOOST020.GIF 180,760 04/03/92 | BBS in Denmark, racy ad. Dwnlds: 153 DL Time 00:00:00 | * 4 COIN2.ZIP 1,807 03/25/92 | ANSI ad for only BBS in world Dwnlds: 33 DL Time 00:00:00 | devoted SOLELY to numismatics [ 5] COLNET.ZIP 1,582 03/20/92 | Info on a new FREE net Dwnlds: 61 DL Time 00:00:00 | focusing on COLLECTABLES! *Info* [ 6] CRISPY.MES 1,067 03/09/92 | BBS in London UK Dwnlds: 35 DL Time 00:00:00 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The option to 'Edit Marked List', used to edit files marked for download now only displays 'Remove item' and 'Clear list' if there are marked files in the list. - Ctrl-V now will toggle insert mode on/off in all system prompts including the the full-screen and line editor. - Added the ability to EDIT events. There is no longer a need to delete and re-create events that need to be changed. - Events are now sorted cronologically when they are added. Flex events, which have no exact time, follow all soft/hard events. This solves the problem of events with earlier times sometimes being executed after events with later times. - All delay routines are now based entirely on bios timer. This change prevents rapid waiting for call countdown on systems that make use of programs that speed-up the clock such as Lantastic. - Renamed the User record field 'MhsName' to 'NovellName'. If this field is filled out with a novell login name, that user will receive a broadcast message when mail is sent to them, even when they are not in WILDCAT!. In order to operate properly both WILDCAT! and NetWare must be set properly. In WILDCAT!, the user record field 'NovellName' must contain the actual login name (RICK). In NetWare the users 'Full Name' filed must be set to match the actual name used to log into WILDCAT! (Rick Heming). For example, in WILDCAT! the user record (extra screen) should have the NetWare login name entered in field 12 (designated by the arrow) like this: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RICK HEMING from Mustang Software, Inc. [ 1] Computer type : [8] - 21 [15] Lines/page : 23 [ 2] Alias : SLEUTH [16] Msgs written : 7028 [ 3] Title : V.P. Oper. [17] Uploads : 30 [ 4] Sex : Male [18] Dnloads : 132 [ 5] Help level : Novice [19] Time left : 998 [ 6] New files : 05/01/92 12:00a [20] Daily DL : 0 [ 7] Total upld Kb : 2123 [21] Daily DK : 0 [ 8] Total dnld Kb : 18105 [22] Last conference: 55 [ 9] Minutes logged : 28247 [23] Locked out : NO [10] Hide deleted : YES [24] Never delete : YES [11] Quote reply : YES [25] Clear msg : YES [12] Novell name : RICK <------------ [26] Login siren on : NO [13] File overrides : 0 [27] Hide private : NO [14] Conf overrides : 0 Edit Command [1..27], [F]ind Alias, [S]earch Alias, [H]elp? [ ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In NetWare, the user screen should have the full WILDCAT! login name entered in the 'Full Name' field and should look like this: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° SYSCON °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»°° °ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͺ User Information º°° °º User Names ºlable ToÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹°° °ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͺ ³Account Restrictions º°° °º ³ALAN ³ ºting º ³Change Password º°° °º ³GARA ³ º Currentº ³Full Name <------- º°° °º ³GWEN ³ ºerver Inº ³Groups Belonged To º°° °º ³HERB ³ ºInformatº ³Intruder Lockout Status º°° °º ³JAMES ³ ºisor Optº ³Login Script º°° °º ³JEAN ³ ºnformatiº ³Managed Users And Groups º°° °º ³JENNIFER ³ ºÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͺ ³Managers º°° °º ³JIM ³ º°°°°°°°°º ³Other Information º°° °º ³LYNN ³ º°°°°°°°°º ³Security Equivalences º°° °º ³MHS ³ º°°°°°°°°º ³Station Restrictions º°° °º ³OC ³ º°°°°°°°°º ³Time Restrictions º°° °º ³QMODEM ³ º°°°°°°°°º ³Trustee Directory Assignmentsº°° °º ³RICK <------- ³ º°ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» °ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ°ºFull Name: Rick Heming <------- º °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - NetWare users at local workstations can also take advantage of automatic login based on the NetWare login name used at the workstation. By using the new command line switch WILDCAT /B NOVELL a user name is looked up based on the person logged into the workstation. The password prompt is skipped since we are relying on the network for security, in keeping with NetWare convention and other mail packages. - Menus no longer force color of '?' at the end of the menus to allow for better customization. The color at the end of the menu file is the color used for the ? prompt. In addition, the menu prompts are no longer surrounded with the brackets. - Inactivity is no longer monitored during local logins. Time limits are still in effect however since there isn't a consistent way to turn off time limits completely. - Added a new command '/PAGE' to multiuser chat. This can be used to page users into a private chat or group chat once the chat has already begun. Its use in private chats is limited to the person that initiated the private chat. Only they can page other users into chat. - When a private chat is exited by the person that initiated the private chat, the chat system now automatically removes the other users from chat as well. This is necessary in case the user who initiated the chat wants to start another private chat with different people. - Changed the method used to link threaded messages. Message threading again makes use of the message subject instead of WILDCAT!'s internal thread reference numbers. This allows mail imported via TomCat or WildMail to be threaded on subject. * NOTE: ALL UTILITIES THAT READ OR WRITE (ESPECIALLY WRITE) THE MESSAGE SYSTEM MUST MAKE USE OF THE NEW THREAD INDEX KEYS. ALL MSI PROGRAMS HAVE BEEN MODIFIED, AS HAVE THE MAJOR THIRD PARTY UTILITIES. THE FOLLOWING UTILITIES HAVE RELEASED UPDATED VERSIONS AT THIS TIME: WILDMAIL - POSTMASTER - UTI DRIVERS - wcPRO - wcMHS IF YOU ENCOUNTER MESSAGE BASE PROBLEMS AFTER INSTALLING v3.5 FIRST CHECK TO SEE IF YOU HAVE A UTILITY THAT HAS NOT BEEN UPDATED BY THE AUTHOR. - Time is checked before allowing a user to download a file attached to a message, and the estimated download time is displayed. - Added the ability to upload messages using any desired protocol. The new [U]pload command appears in the message disposition prompt. This feature not only works in the message editor, but also in the editor for entering extended file descriptions. Wildcat performs NO reformating of the text that comes in; lines beyond the allowed message limit are lost and lines longer than 72 characters are truncated. Characters are checked after being received and non-acceptible characters are stripped. - The 'sysop' command available to sysops after reading each message now checks to make sure the sysop also has access to execute the 'File database' and 'User database' commands on the real Sysop Menu before it allows them to access the File and User databases. This change allows co-sysops to be restricted to just the message system by not extending access to the file and user database commands on the Sysop Menu. - A sysop who is extended access to the File database in the Sysop Menu may not go to the User database using the 'User Edit' command unless he also has been given access to the User database command in the Sysop Menu. - A sysop who is extended access to the Node Access command of the Sysop Menu may not change a caller's security profile unless he also has been given access to the Sysop Menu User database command. - Added a new login meta command similar to the '*' used for fast login. The new '!' fast login command takes user direct to Tomcat, and can only be used by those assigned to a security profile that allows Fast Login. The proper systax for use is: !Rick Heming Password Like the '*' login command, this bypasses all login display files and executes the TOMCAT! program. It operates correctly regardless of the key used to activate the TOMCAT! mail door, and will execute whatever program is called by you MAIL.BAT file. - Online chat can now only page users that have access to the online chat feature. END v3.50 Feature list