To SysOps: Finally have fixed Raider V3.30. This file contains no chances to the code that you will notice, other than bug fixes. Just replace the defunct file with this one, and everything should be fine (fingers crossed). It's taken me almost a year to debug Raider, and I couldn't have done it without the help of Steve Henry. I am very sorry for any inconvience this has caused you. Work on Raider V4 will be starting shortly, which should streamline Raider further. Look foward to: - 1 User file, no more piles of .RD1 files. - HISTORY.RAD that is self deleting. - ANSI TOPTEN.RAD file. - Deuling B/T Characters - Cosmetic Changes - Multi-BBS Fido attacks < Similer to Dwarz > Hopefully I will be finished the Install/Upkeep utility in time to release it with V4, but it's iffy, University life doesn't leave much time for the finer things in life, like programming. My many thanks to all, - Patrick H Ryan