The version history of Studs! ============================================================================ Version 1.2 == August 25, 1992 -- Problem with the player editor was found -- it is corrected in this compiled .EXE file. ============================================================================ Version 1.2 == August 22, 1992 NOTE: This will be the last minor upgrade of Studs! until version 2.0 is complete. Please let us know what you would like to see in the next major revision so we can include it! -- New player record format is being used because of some problems encountered in the v1.1 record files and maintenance. -- Corrected problem encountered when the auto-color checking was turned off. -- Made some changes in the new player screens. -- Made some changes in the .EXE compiling process. -- Edited some of the prices in the Doctor's office. -- Edited the QuickSave feature (this feature is used when the players time limit gets below 5 minutes) so the player doesn't even know his data is being saved. Basically, everytime the player goes back to the main menu, his data is saved when his time left is less than 5 minutes. -- Logon time was decreased a little by combining the main welcome screen and the registration screen into one. -- Modified some of the screens so they will display properly to people using the Procomm communications package. ============================================================================ Version 1.1 == July 15, 1992 --- When it rains it pours! Had a report that when a girl turned down a player, they we're presented with a blank screen. This problemm was fixed. Since this only occurs when a players KNOWN field gets very low, we didn't feel a version upgrade was needed. ============================================================================ Version 1.1 == July 14, 1992 --- Distributed the wrong UPSTUDS.EXE program with the initial release. New UPSTUDS.EXE is now fixed for upgrading from v1.0 to v1.1. At this same time, our USR HST 14.4 got fried by lightning! ============================================================================ Version 1.1 == July 12, 1992 --- Fixed a problem with running on networks. All files are now opened in SHARE mode. --- Added four different bar scenes for pick ups. --- Added a Player Access option. If this option is used, the player will get a screen telling them they don't have access. --- Player Editor in the UTILITY sub-program modified. --- Completely changed the player record file format. --- Added an option to turn color checking on or off. --- Now checks for duplicate alias's. --- Women now may refuse to go with a player. --- Fixed a problem with the "Drink" option. --- Disease player data now will show 'S' or 'G' for which disease they have not just Yes or No. --- Doctor screens now have different text depending if the player has a disease or not. --- Doctor now tells them what disease they have if they choose to have an examination done. --- Lotto screen now shows who the last winner was and the date that they won. --- Added an option in the utility menu to easily add a player to the player access file. --- Made an UPDATE program to easily upgrade from v1.0 to v1.1 of the door with no interuption in play (or resetting). --- Changed some of the colors of the prompts to make things look a little nicer. --- Can now be played LOCALLY by the SysOp with no limits to help evaluate the door better. --- Several of the screens have been changed and some new ones added. --- Removed all the "Selection---> " prompts. Not needed since you have a menu to pick your options from. --- Players KNOWN field now have a limit on how low they can go. --- Increased the number of women from 100 to 200. ============================================================================ Version 1.0 == June 6, 1992 --- First Release! ============================================================================ NOTES: Response to Studs! v1.0 has been very good. Most of the comments received have been to release a version for the ladies. We have started this version called STUDETTE's and it should be ready by August.