" *****************************","12" " SUPER RECALL ","15" " *****************************","12" " MATCH AND WIN! ","15" " *****************************","12" " ","14" " The object of Super Recall is to open doors and remember what","15" " is behind them.","15" " There are 16 doors containing 8 different prizes. To win a prize","15" " you must match two doors that have the same prize behind it. ","15" " For example if door #1 is a CAR then you must find the other ","15" " door that a CAR is behind to match and win the prize. ","15" " The trick is that the doors close back after each play and you ","15" " must remember where the other half is located. ","15" " You get seven (7) attempts to match a prize and win. If you","15" " do not match in seven tries then the board is reset and the","15" " prizes reshuffled within the doors. ","15" " Top ten bulletins are written and monthly winners are posted!","15" " Have fun and best of luck at SUPER RECALL!!","15" " ","15" " ","15"