Welcome to Tournament BBS Checkers written by Joe W Mahurin using Door routines by Scott Baker These instructions will not tell you how to play Checkers but will instruct you on how to use the Tournament BBS Checkers door game. The Main Menu: Total Games Finished: 5 Finished Games: 2 4 5 Active Games: 1 6 Games Needing More Players: 6 It Is Your Turn In: 1 Win/Loss Ratio: 0.33 1...Select A Game 5...See Instructions 2...Start A New Game 6...BackGammon Rules 3...Kill A Game 7...View Scores 4...Join A Game 8...Quit Back To BBS Total Games Finished: The number of games that have been completed on this BBS. Finished Games: Recently completed games. Active Games: Games that are currently being played or needing more players. Games Needing More Players: Games that need a second player before starting. It Is Your Turn In: Games where your turn is next. Your Score: Your win/loss ratio of all the checkers games you have played. 1...Select A Game: This option will allow you to see every game that is listed. Use this option to take your turn in games that you are in. 2...Start A New Game: Selecting this option will allow you to start a new game. You can not play yourself in a game. 3...Kill A Game: Use this option to erase games that you have started. The game can only be killed if YOU have started the game AND no one the game has NOT started. 4...Join A Game: Selection of this option allows you to join a game that needing more players. 5...See Instructions: Read this file. 6...Checkers Rules: Allows you to read a very small file on how to play Checkers. There are many fine books on how to play. If you have nevered played Checkers before I suggest you read many of the fine books on this game. 7...View Scores: Selecting this option allows you to view ALL the scores of everyone that has played Checkers on this BBS. ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Your opponent has captured: 5 1 Û . . . . x . O . Û 2 Û o . . x . o . x Û 3 Û . . . . . . . . Û 4 Û . . . . . . . . Û 5 Û . . . . . . . . Û 6 Û o . . . . . . . Û 7 Û . x . X . O . o Û 8 Û X . . . . . O . Û ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß You have captured: 6 A B C D E F G H Maid Marion is O Robin Hood is X Rows are identified by the numbers and columns by the letters. Lower case letters, x and o, are unkinged pieces. Upper case letters, X and O, are kinged pieces. To king a piece move it into row 1. To remember which pieces you have, x or o, look to the bottom of the board, your name is listed next to the piece you are moving. At the upper right is the number of your pieces your opponent has captured and the number you have captured is at the lower right. ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Your opponent has captured: 5 1 Û . . . . x . O . Û 2 Û o . . x . o . x Û 3 Û . . . . . . . . Û 4 Û . . . . . . . . Û 5 Û . . . . . . . . Û 6 Û o . . . . . . . Û 7 Û . x . X . O . o Û 8 Û X . . . . . O . Û ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß You have captured: 6 A B C D E F G H Maid Marion is O Robin Hood is X Concede - To concede, or basically give up, just type a 'c' or 'C' at the 'Enter you move:' prompt. The game will end and your opponent will win. Draw - Enter a 'd' or 'D' at the 'Enter your move' prompt ONLY if you have no move available. If the game ends with your opponent having no move then the game ends in a draw and no one gets scored. If ,however, your opponent does have a move and makes it, you lose and you both get scored. ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Your opponent has captured: 5 1 Û . . . . x . O . Û 2 Û o . . x . o . x Û 3 Û . . . . . . . . Û 4 Û . . . . . . . . Û 5 Û . . . . . . . . Û 6 Û o . . . . . . . Û 7 Û . x . X . O . o Û 8 Û X . . . . . O . Û ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß You have captured: 6 A B C D E F G H Maid Marion is O Robin Hood is X Quit - Enter a 'q' or 'Q' at the 'Enter your move' prompt to end your turn without entering a move. If your opponent has requested a draw, however, then you must enter a move or end the game in a draw. Move Instructions - Entering a question mark, '?', at the prompt will give you basic instructions on entering a move. ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Your opponent has captured: 5 1 Û . . . . x . O . Û 2 Û o . . x . o . x Û 3 Û . . . . . . . . Û 4 Û . . . . . . . . Û 5 Û . . . . . . . . Û 6 Û o . . . . . . . Û 7 Û . x . X . O . o Û 8 Û X . . . . . O . Û ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß You have captured: 6 A B C D E F G H Maid Marion is O Robin Hood is X Entering Moves: Enter moves in the LetterNumber-LetterNumber format. In other words, enter the column and letter of the location of the piece you want to move, followed be a dash and the column and letter of the location you want to move the piece to. Multiple Moves: Enter the move as in above, followed by a space and the next move. With multiple moves you MUST jump a piece each move. ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Your opponent has captured: 5 1 Û . . . . x . O . Û 2 Û o . . x . o . x Û 3 Û . . . . . . . . Û 4 Û . . x . . . . . Û 5 Û . . . . . . . . Û 6 Û o . . . X . . . Û 7 Û . . . . . O . o Û 8 Û X . . . . . O . Û ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß You have captured: 6 A B C D E F G H Maid Marion is O Robin Hood is X Example moves: Enter your move or ?/C/D: h7-g6 Enter your move or ?/C/D: H7-G6 Enter your move or ?/C/D: F7-D5 D5-B3 Enter your move or ?/C/D: f7-d5 d5-b3 Thats it! I hope you enjoy Tounament BBS Backgammon as much as I enjoyed writing it! Address comments to: The Green Castle 1-602-747-4242 FidoNet 1:300/50 DoorNet 75:7602/104 AdventureNet 53:103/4 Thanx -=Joe=-