Welcome to Tournament BBS Checkers written by Joe W Mahurin Using door routines by Scott Baker This instruction file is not intended to be a tutorial on Checkers, but only presents basic rules of the game. For further instruction I recommend that you read one of several good books on the subject. The Object: To remove all your opponents pieces off the board, or force your opponent into a situation where they have no legal move, but you are still able to move. The Move: You may move your pieces towards the top of the board one adjacent space at a time moving in a diagonal manner. You may not move backwards or straight. Removing Opponents Pieces: Opponent's pieces are removed from the game board by the 'jump'. You may not jump over your own piece. An opponent's piece may be jumped if it is a diagonal adjacent square. The piece is jumped over by your piece and placed in a square adjacent to your opponent's piece, in effect actually moving two spaces. The opponent's piece is then removed from the board. If the same piece that you moved on your initial move can be moved again in a jump, then you may continue to jump until there are no more jumps available. Only one piece can be moved each turn. If you have two pieces that can make jumps then you must decide which jump you which to make. Crowning Pieces: Pieces are considered 'Kinged' or 'Crowned' when they reach the top row of the playing board. Then and only then can the piece move forwards or backwards. If making multiple jumps with a crowned piece the jumps can be forward or backward, or any combination.