From: David Dozier Area: Protocols To: Lee Jackson 23 Jan 92 20:35:42 Subject: HS/Link and Max UpdReq In a message on , Lee Jackson (1:382/87.4) writes: LJ> Has anyone successfully interfaced HS/Link with Maximus 2.0? I'm LJ> trying to help my bossnode set this up, and I'm not proficient LJ> enough with the .ctl files yet to be very useful. He's running LJ> Opus v1.73, but has Max 2.0 set up as a "test system" to iron out LJ> the bugs. Once he gets it running smoothly, he's probably going LJ> to make the full switch. Any help would be appreciated! LJ> Lee Jackson,Co-Moderator,FidoNet Int'l Echo SHAREWRE (1:382/87) Protocol HS/Link Type Batch ; Type Errorlevel Type Bi ; Type Opus LogFile HSL%K.Log ControlFile HSL%K.Ctl DownloadCmd /c rhsl HSL%K.Log %P %V @%x:HSL%K.Ctl UploadCmd /c rhsl HSL%K.Log %P %V DownloadString %s UploadString DownloadKeyword h UploadKeyword H FilenameWord 10 DescriptWord 0 End Protocol RHSL.BAT: @echo off set dszlog=%1 hslink -nf -nv -hx -r -k -o -a -p%2 -u%3 %4 set dszlog= Just installed it my self. Got this set up from Bob Juge here in Houston and I know it has been working for a while now. -David Dozier --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =---------------