From: Ken Thompson Area: Protocols To: Lee Jackson 24 Jan 92 18:27:46 Subject: HS/Link and Max UpdReq LJ> Has anyone successfully interfaced HS/Link with LJ> Maximus 2.0? I'm trying to help my bossnode set this LJ> up, and I'm not proficient enough with the .ctl files here's my PROTOCOL.CTL entry Protocol HSlink Type Batch Type Bi LogFile DSZ%K.Log ControlFile DSZ%K.Ctl DownloadCmd /c rhslk DSZ%K.Log %P %V @%x:DSZ%K.Ctl UploadCmd /c rhslk DSZ%K.Log %P %V DownloadString %s UploadString DownloadKeyword h UploadKeyword H FilenameWord 10 DescriptWord 0 End Protocol and here's the .BAT file! @echo off set DSZLOG=%1 hslink -P%2 -u%3 %4 set DSZLOG= regards Ken --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =--------------- From: Dave Mednick Area: Protocols To: All 25 Jan 92 23:38:18 Subject: Protocols.. UpdReq Does anyone have a WORKING protocol.ctl file for the following protocols? HS/Link Puma Jmodem Tasy My file command lines are working properly, but when a user uploads, it aborts at the end (a Maximus abort). Something about not being able to open the log file. Help.... Dave --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =--------------- From: Rodney Fraser Area: Protocols To: Scott Dudley 26 Jan 92 21:13:24 Subject: Description in Protocol.Log files. UpdReq C:\MAX\MAX.LOG # 26 Jan 17:12:15 MAX External program: `C:\Max\Bimodem\B-Bimode.Exe C:\Max\Bimodem\B-Bimo01.Ctl -p0 -b4800 -t1 -m3 -f 8 -r36' : 26 Jan 17:12:17 MAX DL-B External Protocol Transfer Requested. TASK = 01. : 26 Jan 17:12:17 MAX UL-B Disk Drive `D' reports 14,400 bytes available. + 26 Jan 17:18:51 MAX UL-B * 1 * File(s). Total Bytes -=> 1,386 * CPS: 126. + 26 Jan 17:18:51 MAX BiModem 2 File(s). Combined Transfer Rate. CPS: 241. + 26 Jan 17:18:51 MAX DL-B * 1 * File(s). Total Bytes -=> 34,816 * CPS: 232. : 26 Jan 17:18:53 MAX Return from: `C:\Max\Bimodem\B-Bimode.Exe C:\Max\Bimodem\B-Bimo01.Ctl -p0 -b4800 -t1 -m3 -f8 -r3 6' (1) = 26 Jan 17:18:58 MAX UL-B D:\F\Uploads\2400mmnp.Zip = 26 Jan 17:19:01 MAX DL-B D:\F\Area8\LYNX300.ZIP I Unerased C:\MAX\BIMODEM\B-BIMO01.LOG Got 2400mmnp.Zip 1386 ... Sent D:\F\Area8\Lynx300.Zip 34816 C:\MAX\UL.LOG Jean-Marc Solomon UL D:\F\Uploads\2400MMNP.ZIP (1386b), Jan-26-92 05:19PM this user supplied a description with his bimodem upload "...", as you can see the ul.log was updated the Max.log has been updated. However there is no entry in the files.bbs for this file and Maximus was found crashed and had displayed the "Thanks for the upload" message. Any ideas as to why this happened? The Protocol.Ctl entry is exactly as exampled for an Opus Type protocol. Protocol B) BiModem v1.24 Up/Download. Type Batch Type Bi Type Opus LogFile C:\Max\Bimodem\B-Bimo%K.Log ControlFile C:\Max\Bimodem\B-Bimo%K.Ctl DownloadCmd C:\Max\Bimodem\B-Bimode.Exe C:\Max\Bimodem\B-Bimo%K.Ctl -p%p -b%b -t%k -m%d -f%D -r%t UploadCmd C:\Max\Bimodem\B-Bimode.Exe C:\Max\Bimodem\B-Bimo%K.Ctl -p%p -b%b -t%k -m%d -f%D -r%t DownloadString Send %s UploadString Get %s DownloadKeyword Sent UploadKeyword Got FilenameWord 1 DescriptWord 4 End Protocol Are you sure the "4" is the correct value for DescriptWord and not "3"? Can somebody in Vancouver save any replies to this since I'll be leaving Ottawa at end of January and will probably not see it till after I get to Vancouver, and get myself re-established. Thanks (Harry ? Bob?). --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =---------------