From: Chris Albertsen Area: Protocols To: All 3 Feb 92 01:37:34 Subject: Jmodem UpdReq Hey All, I have gotten Jmodem installed, and it allows downloads fine. the user gets the file, and when the download is done, I get told by maximus that the transfer aborted. some others where saying that the same thing was happening to them too. Did any of you get it fixed? All the Logs are being created, I checked them and viewed them. Jmodemax.bat: echo %1 %2 >Jmodemax.log "%1" is "s2" and "%2" is the file name. And I have Jmodem protocol logfile set to Jmodemax.log. Can anyone think of what will cause this? And how do I import text to messages, so that I could acually import the protocol.ctl and my .BAT's into, like lets say this message. So I don't have to type the whole protocol enter into this message. Chris --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =--------------- From: Ryan Tucker Area: Protocols To: Michael Kirst 2 Feb 92 16:52:00 Subject: Download Protocol selection menu UpdReq MK> Where is the download/upload protocol selection menu MK> stored? I would like to be able to indicate that MK> (Z)modem is "preferred" if possible. I haven't been MK> able to find it anywhere in the \MAX directory of any MK> of it's sub-directories. Along the same lines, when I MK> add Jmodem capibility to my BBS, will it be added to MK> this menu? 1) In Max. See the dox for ways to override the menu... 2) Yep. Ryan --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =---------------