From: Nolan Lee Area: Protocols To: Jeff Mohler 28 Mar 92 19:27:06 Subject: Re: BiModem In a msg on , Jeff Mohler of 1:260/145 writes: JM> Is HSlink error-correcting? JM> Hrmm..not slammin, but I dont see where any other protocol would JM> gain much of anything worthwhile Over Zmodem... It depends, it you're using an error correcting modem, YModem will beat out Zmodem. Also, some of the bi-directional protocols offer a lot for the 2400bps user. At 14.4, I really don't care one way or the other. :-) The correction scheme in BiModem works real well. I can get better transfer rates on marginal lines than I can with Moby-Turbo Zmodem. later guy, Nolan --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =--------------- From: Hal Schperl Area: Protocols To: Jeff Mohler 29 Mar 92 13:19:00 Subject: BiModem > Hrmm..not slammin, but I dont see where any other protocol would gain > much of anything worthwhile Over Zmodem... Bimodem and HSLINK transer files in both directions at the *same* time. Zmodem is unidirectional. If you upload and download at once you can get up to double the transfer rate. ... Hal --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =---------------