From: Dan Cook Area: Protocols To: Ken Flory 15 Apr 92 23:52:50 Subject: Telink That's interesting. I had never seen anyone use this protocol until recently. One of my users used it the other day (before I upgraded to 2.01wb) with great success. He was running the latest version of procomm. (I'm not a procomm user myself.) Oh yes, this was with the OS/2 version of Maximus. I must admit though that my personal feeling is that everyone should use Zmodem if at all possible. --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =--------------- From: Warren Kudras Area: Protocols To: Ryan Potts 15 Apr 92 09:58:34 Subject: BiModem RP> Protocol HSLink RP> Type Batch RP> % Type Errorlevel RP> Type Bi RP> % Type Opus RP> LogFile c:\max\HSL%K.Log RP> ControlFile c:\max\HSL%K.Ctl RP> DownloadCmd /c rhsl RP> c:\max\HSL%K.Log -P%P -B%W -E%b -U%V @c:\max\HSL%K.Ctl RP> UploadCmd /c rhsl RP> c:\max\HSL%K.Log -P%P -B%W -E%b -U%V RP> DownloadString %s RP> UploadString RP> DownloadKeyword h RP> UploadKeyword H RP> FilenameWord 10 RP> DescriptWord 0 RP> End Protocol Will HSLink work on a OS/2 Version of Maximus 2.01wb? Like is it OS Compatible do you think? I'm trying to decide if I should try now, or wait for OS/2 Ver 2.00 when I know it will work.. :-) Hmmm.. Thanx Kindly, Warren1 --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =---------------