From: Joshua Lee Area: Protocols To: Ryan Tucker 25 Apr 92 23:00:40 Subject: Telink In a message to Dan Cook <18 Apr 92 02:43> Ryan Tucker wrote: RT> How 'bout Kermit? =B^) RT> BTW, anybody have a frog for Maximus? I'm running OKER_105.* here. It works with a setup nearly identical to the example setup, except the PROTOCOL.CTL needs to have Kermit%K.Ctl on the end instead of as the second parameter. I think this may have been a typo for both of the sample *p*s protocol enteries in PROTOCOL.CTL. - XRS! 5.0+DV/XCS 1.10 - Pointless Point of Max Confuscion --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =--------------- From: Phill Mckenna Area: Protocols To: Mark Truelove 23 Apr 92 07:46:56 Subject: QWK Upload In a msg on , Mark Truelove of 1:261/1131 writes: MT> Specifically, DON'T start the upload until after Max says "start MT> now MT> or press to abort..." la la la. Why not, if using Zmodem, do the following... NoDsp Upload DISGRACE "R Zmodem Upload" or for QWK uploads... NoDsp Msg_Upload_QWK DISGRACE "rz upload" This way, Maximus starts when it receives the rz from Zmodem. Sorry, can't help with other protocols though:-) Cheers, Phill. --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =---------------