From: Steve Antonoff Area: Protocols To: Anyone 3 May 92 21:57:50 Subject: external protocols with 2.01b I'm trying to implement YmodemBatch as an external protocol using the PROTOCOL.CTL file that came with Maximus, modifying the entry for MobyTurbo Zmodem to handle YmodemBatch. Downloads work fine. Uploads work as far as the file transfer goes, but MAXIMUS always reports "file transfer aborted" and never asks for a file description. The DSZ02.CTL and DSZ02.LOG files are both created in the MAXIMUS main directory (which happens to be X:\, a subst drive name for C:\MAX). Any hints as to what I'm doing wrong? Steve --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =--------------- From: Eric Ulken Area: Protocols To: Nik Ellwood 5 May 92 10:59:22 Subject: HS/Link On , Nik Ellwood (3:632/359) scribbled something like this: NE> Having only recently tried out HS/Link and realised what an NE> impressive protocol it is, I was wondering how it performs under NE> Maximus (functionality and compatibility), and if someone would NE> kindly post the protocol.ctl setup and inform me of any other NE> necessary configuration tips. Sure... It works great! Here's part of my Protocol.Ctl: Protocol HS/Link Type Batch Type Bi LogFile HSLink%K.Log ControlFile HSLink%K.Ctl DownloadCmd Command.Com C:\ /e:256 /c HsMax C:\Max\HSLink%K.Log -p%P -uE:\Max\File\S_Upload -nf -nt -nv @C:\Max\HSLink%K.Ctl UploadCmd Command.Com C:\ /e:256 /c HsMax C:\Max\HSLink%K.Log -p%P -uE:\Max\File\S_Upload -nf -nt -nv @C:\Max\HSLink%K.Ctl DownloadString %s UploadString DownloadKeyword h UploadKeyword H FilenameWord 10 DescriptWord 0 End Protocol And here's my HsMax.Bat: @Echo Off Set DSZLOG=%1 C:\Max\HSLink %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 Set DSZLOG= Works like a charm! Good luck... -EU --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =--------------- From: Ken Grainger Area: Protocols To: Nik Ellwood 5 May 92 18:32:26 Subject: HS/Link Hello Nik! While scrying the countryside, I heard Nik Ellwood say to All: NE> Having only recently tried out HS/Link and realised what an impressive NE> protocol it is, I was wondering how it performs under Maximus NE> (functionality and compatibility), and if someone would kindly post the NE> protocol.ctl setup and inform me of any other necessary configuration NE> tips. Functions wonderfully. No other configuration necessary. -------Cut Here-------Protocol.ctl Protocol HS/Link Type Batch Type Bi LogFile Hslk%K.Log ControlFile Hslk%K.Ctl DownloadCmd /c hslk Hslk%K.Log -P%P -B%W -U%V @%x:Hslk%K.Ctl UploadCmd /c hslk Hslk%K.Log -P%P -B%W -U%V @%x:Hslk%K.Ctl DownloadString %s UploadString DownloadKeyword h UploadKeyword H FilenameWord 10 DescriptWord 0 End Protocol -------Cut Here------- You'll notice that the commands are identical. That is by design. Try it out. -------Cut Here-------HSLK.BAT @echo off set dszlog=%1 HSLINK -hx -r -k -o -a %2& set dszlog=d:\max\dsztemp.log -------Cut Here------- If not using 4Dos, replace %2& with %2 %3 %4 %5 Etc. NE> Thanks in advance. Your welcome after the fact! NE> ! Origin: Windows? WINDOWS?!? Hahahahehehehohohoho. (3:632/359) Exactly! Ken --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =--------------- From: Chris Albertsen Area: Protocols To: Fellow Maximus Dudes 7 May 92 13:44:14 Subject: Protocol.ctl Sent UpdReq Hey All, I remember a couple weeks back, someone was asking about a problem they were having with the external protocols they were trying to install. I remember asking the same question about a month ago too. The Prob was getting that all "Unable to create (whatever).log". I think I found out a few things that may help some of the other newbees out there in installing external protocols. I'll use SZmodem as an example. This is kinda what my entry looks like: Protocol !SZmodem type batch Controlfile \max\szmod%K.ctl logfile \max\szmod%K.ctl downloadcmd command /c \max\proto\szxfer \max\szmod%K.log %P %W sz @\max\szmod%K.ctl uploadcmd command /c \max\proto\szxfer \max\szmod%K.log %P %W rz %V downloadsting %s uploadstring downloadKeyword z uploadkeyword Z filenameword 10 descriptword 0 end protocol I learned not to assume anything with this. Do not assume max knows the correct paths to anything. I put the paths in log, ctl files, and the up/down commands. It took care of some of the problems. Now the batch file was the tricky part. It was an easy batch file, don't get me wrong, but the problem was so simple, I over looked it time and time again. echo off set dszlog=%1 szmodem port %2 speed %3 /szturbo /nolog /dl /hard %4 %5 set dszlog= This was the batch file I started using, but it had one problem. It causes max to come back with the error, "Can's open the Szmod00.log". Something like that. DOS was also returning a "Bad command or file name" error from the batch file, So I knew when the prob was. I took the echo off out of the batch file, and watched, hitting the pause button over and over again, going step by step. Here's what I say. See if you can see the prob. C:\MAX> SET DSZLOG=%1 C:\MAX> SZMODEM PORT 2 SPEED 9600 /SZTURBO /NOLOG /DL /HARD ......SO ON C:\MAX> BAD COMMAND OR FILE NAME Hmmm. Look. I put the Szxfer.bat file, the one above in \MAX\PROTO as you saw in the .CTL example. But for some reason, max was calling SZxfer.bat out of the correct path ie. \max\proto, but did not change it to such. The path stayed to \, that was the whole problem. So I changed the .BAT to look like this. SET DSZLOG=%1 CD\MAX\PROTO SZMODEM PORT %2 SPEED %3 /SZTURBO /NOLOG /DL /HARD %4 %5 CD\MAX SET DSZLOG= Walla! It worked like a champ! I hope this helped SOMEONE out there out. It took me a couple days to figure this out. I'm almost bald! I've been running TopicX on the muffin echo now for about 3 months, and have a file called PROTOCOL.ARJ. It is extracts with protocol examples in it, and such. If you are interested in getting it, just freq it, and you got it, but hurry. I'm in the military, and moving to Japan for two years. The board is going down, here, on the 13th of this month. I'll send a copy of this file to Jesse David Hollington at 225/1, and if he thinks it's any good, He'll have it up on his board. (I hope). Chris --------------= Brought to you compliments of Plastic Tower =---------------