WIZARD'S ARENA -- RELEASE 1.35 (C) Copyright 1991,1992 by Douglas Summers UPGRADING FROM OLDER VERSIONS Upgrading from an older version of WIZARD'S ARENA is pretty easy. Just unzip the distribution ZIP file on top of your existing installation -- but DON'T unzip the DATABASE.ZIP file that results (unless you want to reset the database). Keep DATABASE.ZIP around, anyway, as at some point you'll almost certainly want to reset the game. Then just run WA-UTIL.EXE in the directory that your databases are in; they'll be quickly upgraded to the latest format. If you're upgrading from 1.26 or earlier, and have a copy of DAY.EXE or UPGRADE.EXE, you can just erase them. You shouldn't use them, as their functions are noe performed by WA-UTIL. If you do the daily maintenance off-line, you should change the line whch runs DAY to run WA-UTIL instead. It is vitally necessary that you block anyone from trying to run the game while you're running WA-UTIL. If someone enters the game while the program is running, you'll almost certainly destroy the databases. WA-UTIL will show that it is "Upgrading from 1.xx to 1.xx", and will work its way to the current version. Don't be alarmed if there are several. You can also delete the old GENERIC.SYS, if you like -- the newer version of the game uses the DOOR.SYS file instead.