The following BBSes are test sites of UltraBBS and will always carry the latest files. You can also see the latest beta version in action at these BBSes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Second Sanctum (RIME SSANCTUM, FidoNet 1:130/69, TON 88:327/206) Node 1: Metro (817)784-1178 (HST 14.4K bps) Node 2: Metro (817)784-1179 (HST 14.4K bps) SysOp Mark Robbins (Arlington, Texas) The Dorsai Diplomatic Mission (UseNet Node 1: (212)431-1944 (2400 bps) Node 2: (212)431-1948 (2400 bps) Node 3: (212)431-1950 (v.32 9600 bps) (New York, New York) PC-Tech (RBBSNet 8:930/12) Node 1: (214)271-8899 (HST 14.4K bps) SysOp Jon Hutto (Garland, Texas) Pinecliffe (FidoNet 1:104/28) (6 nodes) Line 1: (303)642-7463 (2400 bps lines) Line 2: (303)642-0562 (v.32 9600 bps lines) Line 3: (303)642-0703 (v.32bis/HST 14.4K bps lines) SysOp Craig Baker (Pinecliffe, Colorado) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In addition to these BBSes, UltraBBS now has a support conference in the FidoNet, RBBSNet, and RIME mail echoes in which the author may be contacted.