Copyright (C) 1991, 1992  Michael W. Cocke


Thank you for having used ZDCS 1.65.  If you registered an earlier
version of ZDCS, you'll find that your registration key continues to
work with ZDCS 2.0.  Converting to version 2.0 is a simple process.

You'll need to do three things to change over to ZDCS 2.0:  convert
your database format;  update your ZDCS configuration file;  and copy
the new files into your ZDCS directory.

First, convert your existing database from the version 1.6x format to
the new version 2.0 format.  While it's possible to do this across a
LAN, it will add considerably to the time required.  Use the fastest
hard drive and processor that you have available, and create a
temporary working directory.  The conversion will take place in this
temporary directory.

Copy your existing ZDCS.DAT, ZDCS.NDX and ZDCS.PTH files into this
working directory.  Put a copy of the Z1TO2.EXE program in the same

Run the Z1TO2.EXE utility =from= your working directory.  Z1TO2.EXE
works only on the files in the same directory.  It does not use the
database location information stored on line 2 of the ZDCS
configuration file.  This is to make the conversion process more
`portable' so that you can run it on another computer without
interfering with the operation of the BBS.

When Z1TO2.EXE has finished processing the old database files, you
will have two new files in the current directory.  Each file begins
with N- to identify it as one of the newly created files.  Now you can
delete the old files ZDCS.DAT, ZDCS.NDX and ZDCS.PTH.  Then rename N-
ZDCS.DAT to ZDCS.DAT and N-ZDCS.NDX to ZDCS.NDX.  These two files
together make up the new version 2.0 database.  That takes care of
converting your database.

Note: It is possible that you have damaged information in your ZDCS
      database.  This might have occurred while running some versions
      of ZDCS 1.6x under certain conditions.  If this has happened,
      running Z1TO2.EXE will reconstruct the vital information about
      member files and CRC values for the database, although it won't
      recover the name of the archive in which the member files were

      However, when Z1TO2 encounters an instance of damage, it stops
      to ask you whether you wish to continue with the reconstruction
      or abort the entire process.  If you would like to run Z1TO2
      unattended, you can use one of the two available switches:

      Z1TO2 A        Abort the entire process
      Z1TO2 C        Continue with the reconstruction

ZDCS 2.0 uses a different configuration file than version 1.6x did.
It is now thirteen lines long - still a short and simple file.  You
can consult the technical reference manual for full details to make
sure you have the config file set up the way you want it to work with
ZDCS 2.0.  Don't forget to create the new configuration file - the
format of ZDCS.CFG =has= changed from version 1.65.  If you try
running ZDCS 2.0 with the old 1.65 format config file, you'll have

Here is a sample config file ZDCS.CFG and an abbreviated explanation
of each line.  For the full story, check the manual.

  Line 1
  This line is the complete drive, path and filename of the download
  path list.  That list is an ASCII text file showing all the
  pathnames, one on each line, that contain the zipfiles / GIFs to be
  included in the database. There is no upper limit on the number of
  pathnames that can be processed.  It does not matter whether you've
  included the trailing backslash for each pathname.
  Line 2
  This line is the complete drive, path and filename giving the
  location of the ZDCS database (ZDCS.NDX and ZDCS.DAT).  It makes no
  difference if you include the trailing backslash here or not.
  Line 3
  This line is the complete drive, path and filename giving the location
  of the privileged user list file.  The format of the file containing
  the privileged user list is straightforward:  one name per line,
  ending each line with a CR/LF.  The list is not case-sensitive, nor is
  there a maximum number of names you may put in the privileged user
  list.  Any file uploaded by a prvileged user will be explicitly passed
  by ZDCS, whether or not the file actually contains duplicates.  If you
  don't want to have any privileged users on your system, simply leave
  this line blank.
  Line 4
  This line is either the letter "Y" or the letter "N".  It controls
  whether you want ZDCS to add the disposition line to the end of the
  upload description.  The disposition line shows the total number of
  files in an upload and the number those that were duplicate files.
  ZDCS has to be running in standalone mode for this, not with any of
  the gateways such as with Extest.  Please note that you must be
  running PCBoard 14.5a in order to make use of this new feature, and
  that the third command line parameter must be specified (ZDCSFC %1
  %2 %3) in your PCBTEST.BAT file.  Otherwise, leave this fourth line
  of the config set to the letter "N".
  Line 5
  This line is either the letter "Y" or the letter "N".  It controls
  whether you want ZDCS to truncate nulls from the end of "other"
  type files before performing any operations on them.  The
  truncation is actually done on a copy of the file and the original
  is left intact.  The advantage of using this feature is increased
  accuracy when the same file is uploaded by different transfer
  protocols.  The disadvantage is that it adds a bit of time to the
  upload checking and database build operations.
  Line 6
  This line is an integer - that's a whole number, no decimals -
  between 0 and 100.  It sets the maximum percentage of dupes that
  your bbs will accept in an upload.  Setting the percentage to 100
  effectively bypasses this filter, since it permits a duplicated GIF
  or a zipfile with nothing but duplicates to pass.  At the other
  extreme, setting the percentage to 0 effectively requires that the
  uploaded GIFs and zipfiles have no duplicates at all.
  Line 7
  This line is the complete drive, path and filename you want ZDCS to
  use for the log file created by the upload file checker ZDCSFC.
  This log is an ASCII text file that contains information from the
  upload file checker ZDCSFC for each upload it has processed.  If
  PCBOARD.SYS is in the current directory when the upload file
  checker is run, then the name of the currently logged caller is
  also included in the log file.
  Line 8
  This line is either the letter "Y" or the letter "N".  It controls
  the switch to tell ZDCS whether to delete bbs ads (Y) in an
  uploaded zipfile or to just flag them (N).  If you've decided not
  to enable any checking for bbs ads at all, just set this to N.
  Line 9
  This line is either the letter "Y" or the letter "N".  It controls
  whether you want ZDCS to delete all duplicate files from an upload
  (Y) or just flag them and leave them intact (N).
  Line 10
  This line is reserved for a single line of text by the sysop.  The
  contents of this line are appended to the PCBFAIL.TXT file whenever
  an upload is declined.  The caller who has just uploaded the
  declined file sees this line of text as a message on the screen.
  You can make use of PCBoard @variables and &filespec to your
  heart's content; both are fully supported here.
  Line 11
  This line contains the filename ZDCSFC.OUT and nothing else.  For
  all practical purposes, this line is planning for the future.
  Leave this line set to ZDCSFC.OUT until further notice or features.
  Line 12
  This line is the complete drive and pathname of a RAM drive that is
  available to ZDCS for certain types of processing work.  The
  existance of the RAM drive is verified by ZDCS, but the amount of
  space available on it is not checked.  If you run out of space on
  the RAM drive while ZDCS is processing an upload, the upload will
  be declined.  If you do not want to use a RAM drive, leave this
  line blank.
  Line 13
  This line consists of the single letter "Y" or "N".  It controls
  whether ZDCS displays the one line "registered to" message after
  the board receives an upload (Y) or turns off the display of this
  message (N).  This line is only recognized by the registered
  version of ZDCS.  It has no effect on the three line message
  displayed by the unregistered version.

To run ZDCS 2.0, you need to copy the new files into your ZDCS
directory.  Copy the executables (ZDCSFC.EXE, ZDCSDB.EXE, ZDCSDR.EXE
and ZDCSBA.EXE), the new format database (ZDCS.NDX and ZDCS.DAT) and
your configuration file (ZDCS.CFG) right over the old files.  That's
it.  You're online with ZDCS 2.0.  Of course, if you have any of the
accessory utilities (like ZDCSDBMG, the database merge program),
you'll have to upgrade them to the new version in order to use them
with ZDCS 2.0.  You'll find a collection of goodies for ZDCS 2.0
available for download from The Hacker Central BBS.

As an optional step, you can also decide to reconcile your path
information.  To do this, you need to generate a new PCBoard IDX file
for your entire download system and then run the ZPATH-P.EXE utility
against your new database.  ZPATH-P is one of the accessory utilities
available on The Hacker Central BBS.