Files in RA-Echo 1.01 packet: RA-ECHO EXE RA-ECHO for 8086/8088 Processors RA-ECHO OVR RA-ECHO's Overlay File RA-E286 EXE RA-ECHO for 286/386/486 Processors {+} RA-E286 OVR RA-ECHO's Overlay File {+} RA-ECHO DOC Doc file RAESETUP EXE RA-ECHO Setup Program RAESETUP HLP Helpfile RAESETUP GER German Helpfile, rename this to RAESETUP.HLP. 100TO101 EXE Convert 1.00 NODE.RAE and AREAS.RAE to the new RA-Echo 1.01 structures. RAETOFD EXE Create FrontDoor 2.02 FOLDER.FD from RA-ECHO setup. RAETOFD DOC Doc file for RAETOFD QUERY TXT Sample Areafix Query answer text file NOTIFY TXT Sample Areafix Notify text file AREAFIX HLP This textfile will be sent by areafix on %HELP request FILEFIX HLP This textfile will be sent by filefix on %HELP request {+} Registered only