Here is a little problem I ran into and a Solution for the latest ZIP-CON.MOD file I put out First the solution since it doesn't take long to fix then I will get into detail on why the fix... in RBBSSUB3.BAS add the followin line PRINT #2, "CD "+LEFT$(LIBRARY.WORK.DISK.PATH$,3) : _ I have include the section of code for reference and only the above line need be changed at the location commented 'KDY BUG FIX OK now for the gorry details......... I have a 1.4meg ram disk I use as a WORK disk for PKZIP My AUTOEXEC.BAT file create a RAM disk as DRIVE I: I then copy the MENU1 thru MENU6 files the this drive and place them in the ROOT dir I also create a SUBDIR called I:\RAM\ This is the LIBRARY.WORK.DISK.PATH$ When a user uploads a file the verify/convert process is done in the LIBRARY.WORK.DISK.PATH$ +NODE.ID$ and it looks like this I:\RAM\1\ RBBS then shells to the CONVERTx.BAT file it built and goes about it's is were the problem starts... I use the file KDY.EXE to remove the files and the Subdir the BAT file created this program is used so there are no questions asked and the subdir gets remove even if there are file in it..... now when I use the following command line from the default RBBS drive KDY.EXE will change subdires on me and not leave things as I thought I had them set up MAKE SURE YOU TRY THIS ON A RAM DISK or SUBDIR with NOTHING in it !!!!! unless you want to wipe out a lot of files First I make sure I am in the ROOT dir of the I: drive CD I:\ then lets create the I\RAM\1 subdir from the C:\RBBS subdir I enter MD I:\RAM\1 then from the C:\RBBS subdir I enter KDY I:\RAM\1 (note: the I:drive is logged to the ROOT DIR) I then use the CD command to see were I am on the I: drive CD I: DOS returns I:\RAM (hey what happend here ????) I should be logged to the ROOT dir of the I: drive right ??? WRONG !!!! anyway to make things short now that you understand what is going on Even though I told CONFIG.EXE (RBBS file)that the MENU1 -6 files are on the I:\ Drive it cant find my MENU1C MENU2C MENU3C ect also the MENU2G ect files This appears to be a bug in RBBS but I feel the KDY.EXE program should not change things around without return things to the way they were. I hope this little fix will correct any problems you have been having latly with you NON expert users not getting the proper menus displayed... I hope I was clear enough here in explaining what was happening to me leave message on the Maple if I confused you more then helped again this fix is for the ZIP-CON.ZIP file recently released Pete Eibl Maple Street BBS (414-771-2805 1200-9600 HST) FOR REFERENCE ONLY ..... RBBSSUB3.BAS (MAPLE VERSION ) 20725 IF LOCAL.USER THEN _ GOTO 20726 CALL BRKFNAME (FILE.NAME$, DR$, ZZ$, X$, TRUE) IF X$ = ".EXE" OR X$ = "" OR EXT$ = ".SFX" THEN _ GOTO 20727 IF X$ = ".ZIP" THEN _ CALL QTPUT (FILE.NAME.HOLD$ +" Now being verified and re-Zipped Please wait!",1) : _ Z$ = "PKUNZIP -x " + FILE.NAME$ + " " _ ELSE _ CALL QTPUT (FILE.NAME.HOLD$ +" Now being converted to .ZIP format. Please wait!",1) : _ IF X$ = ".ARC" OR X$ = ".PAK" THEN _ Z$ = "PAK e " + FILE.NAME$ + " " : _ ELSE IF X$ = ".LZH" THEN _ Z$ = "LHARC e " + FILE.NAME$ + " " : _ ELSE IF X$ = ".ZOO" THEN _ Z$ = "ZOO.BAT " + FILE.NAME$ + " " : _ ELSE _ SHELL "PKZIP -m -ex " + DR$ + ZZ$ + " " + FILE.NAME$ : _ Z$ = "" IF Z$ <> "" THEN _ B$ = "CONVERT"+NODE.ID$+".BAT" : _ CALL OPENOUTW (B$) : _ PRINT #2, "MD " + LIBRARY.WORK.DISK.PATH$ + NODE.ID$ : _ PRINT #2, "ECHO OFF": _ PRINT #2, "CTTY " + COM.PORT$ : _ PRINT #2, Z$ + " " + LIBRARY.WORK.DISK.PATH$ + NODE.ID$ + "\" : _ PRINT #2, "DEL " + FILE.NAME$ : _ PRINT #2, "IF ERRORLEVEL = 1 GOTO ERR " : _ PRINT #2, "PKZIP -m -ex " + DR$ + ZZ$ + " " + _ LIBRARY.WORK.DISK.PATH$ + NODE.ID$ + "\*.*" : _ PRINT #2,":ERR" : _ PRINT #2, "CTTY CON" : _ PRINT #2, "KDY " + LIBRARY.WORK.DISK.PATH$ + NODE.ID$ : _ PRINT #2, "CD "+LEFT$(LIBRARY.WORK.DISK.PATH$,3) : _ 'KDY BUG FIX PRINT #2,"SETERROR 0" : _ PRINT #2, "ECHO ON" IF FOSSIL THEN _ CALL FOSEXIT(COMPORT%)_ ELSE CLOSE 3 : _ OUT MODEM.CONTROL.REGISTER,INP(MODEM.CONTROL.REGISTER) OR 1 : _ CLOSE 2 :_ SHELL B$ IF FOSSIL THEN _ CALL FOSINIT(COMPORT%,RESULT%) : _ IF RESULT% = -1 THEN _ CALL PSCRN("ERROR INITIALIZING FOSSIL AFTER EXTERNAL PROTOCOL") : _ SYSTEM PARITY$ = MID$(",N,8,1,E,7,1",7 + 6 * EIGHT.BIT,6) IF FOSSIL THEN _ CALL SETBAUD _ ELSE CALL OPENCOM(TALK.TO.MODEM.AT$,PARITY$) FILE.NAME.HOLD$ = ZZ$ + ".ZIP" FILE.NAME$ = DR$ + FILE.NAME.HOLD$ ' ' ' Comment code added here ' 20726 CALL FINDIT (FILE.NAME$)