This mod should stop the entry of messages to "hyper space" I noticed on my system that some users were able to send a message to a user without a name... this should stop the problem. The second mod involves the TEXT SEARCH in the message section.... after observing the amount of time it took to search for TEXT in the messge base I found the problem to be in the Thread routines I added.... The Changes I made will Bypass the THREAD routines and increase the searches by about 150%. This will also decrease the the amount of access to the HARD DRIVE since the Thread files are not accessed for each message... All Changes are dated Pe 01/16/89..... remaining code is the same and included for reference only Enjoy Pete Eibl Changes to RBBS-PC.BAS 2020 CALL MSGTO (HIGHEST.USER.RECORD,MESSAGE.TO$,RECEIVER.RECORD.NUM,FOUND) IF MESSAGE.TO$ = "" THEN _ RETURN 'Pe 01/16/89 IF REPLY THEN _ FOUND = TRUE : _ CALL TRIM (MESSAGE.TO$): _ GOTO 2035 _ ELSE SUBJECT$ = "" IF MESSAGE.TO$ = "" THEN _ RETURN GOSUB 2065 2035 CALL MSGPROT (MESSAGE.TO$,FOUND,MESSAGE.PASSWORD$) 'Skip to Next................. 4613 CALL THREAD3(CURRENT.MESSAGE,GRN$) ' A$ = "" Pe 01/16/89 GOSUB 9000 IF JUST.SEARCHING THEN _ GOTO 4625 IF MESSAGES.SELECTED.INDEX > NUMBER.MESSAGES.SELECTED THEN _ GOTO 4650 CALL SKIPLINE (1) 4614 GOSUB 41000 Changes to RBBSSUB1.BAS 59680 END SUB ' THREAD2 ' ' $SUBTITLE: 'THREAD3 - a message was killed - check threaded message file' ' $PAGE ' ' SUBROUTINE NAME -- THREAD3 ' ' INPUT PARAMETERS -- PARAMETER MEANING ' CURRENT.MESSAGE Message's number ' ' OUTPUT PARAMETERS -- <> ' ' SUBROUTINE PURPOSE -- SUBROUTINE TO ... ' SUB THREAD3 (CURRENT.MESSAGE,GRN$) STATIC IF JUST.SEARCHING THEN _ 'PE 01/16/89 EXIT SUB 'PE 01/16/89 IF INSTR(GRN$," ") = 0 THEN FILE.NAME$ = GRN$ + "T" ELSE FILE.NAME$ = LEFT$(GRN$,INSTR(GRN$," ")-1)+"T" END IF OPEN "R",9,FILE.NAME$,12 FIELD 9, 6 AS CM$, 6 AS HMN$ AA$ = "" ZZ$ = "" FOR I = 1 TO INT(LOF(9)/12) GET 9,I IF RIGHT$(HMN$,1) = "K" THEN 59690 IF VAL(CM$) = CURRENT.MESSAGE AND RIGHT$(HMN$,1) <> "K" THEN AA$ = AA$ + HMN$ END IF IF VAL(HMN$) = CURRENT.MESSAGE AND RIGHT$(CM$,1) = "K" THEN ZZ$ = LEFT$(CM$,5) + CX$(1)+"(deleted) "+EMPHASIZE.OFF$ END IF IF VAL(HMN$) = CURRENT.MESSAGE AND RIGHT$(CM$,1) <> "K" THEN ZZ$ = CM$ END IF 59690 NEXT I ' '**** Commnent out or DELETE the NEXT 4 lines ****** 'IF JUST.SEARCHING THEN 'Pe 01/16/89 ' CLOSE (9) 'Pe 01/16/89 ' EXIT SUB 'Pe 01/16/89 'END IF 'Pe 01/16/89 ' ************************************************* IF LEN(AA$) > 0 THEN CALL QTPUT(FG.3$+" Reply(ies) in message number(s): "+CX$(4) + AA$+EMPHASIZE.OFF$,1) END IF IF LEN(ZZ$) > 0 THEN CALL QTPUT (FG.4$+" This message is in reply to message " +FG.1$+ ZZ$+EMPHASIZE.OFF$,1) END IF CALL QTPUT (CX$(1)+ "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"+EMPHASIZE.OFF$,1) CLOSE (9) 59695 END SUB ' THREAD3 end of changes........