This release was not a planned release, but one that I felt necessary to try to push out before the new quarter begins after Labor Day. I am writing the documentation to reflect changes and then I am out the door to FidoCon. Here is the dirt: I have been working on a release to include support for those persons who use mailers which are not capable of dealing with the transport layer of FTS-0001. 8-) I have not yet begun that portion of the code as I was cleaning up the rubble I left myself from putting in AKA support in the .55 release at the last minute. This release has NOT gone through a beta cycle as previous releases have, but the MSGID and INTL features have been tested by myself well before I decided to churn out a release. What most concerns me are new users who may get lost reading the documentation. I was making the changes this morning (the day of departure to FidoCon) due to my car going south on me. In my re-reading to look for errors I feel it just doesn't feel right to me. I am going to have to take a long hard look at the documentation this fall. Yes, I think most could probably handle it with just a commented configuration file, but I like to think someone might pick up a copy who is a newbee and I could help make their BBS setup easier. This release is dedicated to Frank Keeney & George Peace. Frank Keeney brought to my attention he was having problems routing mail with QMail. George Peace was quite helpful in aiding me to nail down what problem existed between QMail and NoSnail. Eddie