Patch ? for RBBS Version 16.1A !!! Quick Notes on RBBS 16.1A: I found that in the RBBS-PC.BAS code, that it will update the 'Last Read' date whenever a Message is read. Which is okay if the Message is Public, but to me, if it is Private then the Sender of the Message will never know if the Message was ever received. (Also, it nulls the purpose of the 'Delete Unread Private' function is this program.) Anyways, below is quick patch so that if the message was Private, then the 'Last Read' will only be updated when the Receiver (To:) has read the message. So, add to the code in RBBS-PC.BAS for 16.1A : make it so it reads like: 8077 IF (MESSAGE.RECORD$,1)="*") AND _ ' DC 03/28/88 (INSTR(MESSAGE.TO$,LEFT$(ACTIVE.USER.NAME$,21)=0) THEN 8080 ' DC 03/28/88 YY$ = DATE$ WK$ = TIME$ MID$(MESSAGE.RECORD$,123,6) = CHR$(VAL(MID$(YY$,1,2))) + _ CHR$(VAL(MID$(YY$,4,2))) + _ CHR$(VAL(MID$(YY$,9,2))) + _ CHR$(VAL(MID$(WK$,1,2))) + _ CHR$(VAL(MID$(WK$,4,2))) + _ CHR$(VAL(MID$(WK$,7,2))) GOSUB 12986 PUT 1,M(MESSAGE.DIM.INDEX,1) GOSUB 12987 This info has been sent to the RBBS folks so they may come out with a better patch, for I have not even tested to see if the above patch will work, but in theory it might. (Basically, the patch is meant to only update the 'Last Read' when a message was Private and the was (To:) the reading the message.) That's All Folks Darwin Collins